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Question about title IDs

Posted by Weasel 
Question about title IDs
September 09, 2010 10:03PM
I'm just goofing with the source code of BootOpera because I was bored today, and I came across two things I didn't quite get.

the LaunchTitle function has a return WII_LaunchTitle ( TitleID ) at the end. Obviously the TitleID variable is just an argument passed into the function that says which title ID to launch. My question is this: the WII_LaunchTitle ( ) function, in what library is that? gccore.h, or something else? I was just curious. As far as I know, all it does is launch whatever id is passed into it.

The TitleID that gets launched in BootOpera is 0x000100014841444ALL. The whole thing is fairly understandable with the exception of the LL at the end. 00010001-484144xx is the Internet Channel, where 4A specifies the USA region. But what exactly is the LL part at the end? I haven't quite figured that part out. The answer is probably something really stupid/dumb that I should have known too! :P

Any information on either of these two would be appreciated. Thanks!
Re: Question about title IDs
September 09, 2010 10:24PM
1. wiilaunch.h I believe. Can't remember exactly where in libogc that is though. Anyway, the value returned shows whether the channel load was successful or not FYI.

2. LL shows that the hex number that is the title ID is a C "long" type variable (as opposed to e.g. an integer, which can't have as many digits I think). If WII_LaunchTitle() doesn't get a "long" type argument, it will fail.
Re: Question about title IDs
September 10, 2010 07:30AM
LL is a suffix for "long long" aka signed 64 bit integer.
ULL is for unsigned 64 bit integer.

without these suffixes, compiler will complain that number is greater than 32 bits.
Re: Question about title IDs
September 10, 2010 07:35AM
i believe it's because of C/C++ are very old languages, designed when 32bits considered as biggest possible size for forseen future ;))

I wonder, how 128bits will be written later... "long long long"? :)
Re: Question about title IDs
September 10, 2010 05:46PM




Thanks for the replies. I figured it had something to do with the variable type, but I couldn't remember what a long was. I've been learning Python lately (and subsequently forgetting C++), and Python doesn't require you to declare what type of variable you're using.

Anyway, thanks again. Time to get working on some stuff.
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