Re: BootMii as boot2 on new Wii's February 13, 2010 01:03PM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 5,075 |
Re: BootMii as boot2 on new Wii's February 15, 2010 01:16AM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 286 |
Re: BootMii as boot2 on new Wii's February 16, 2010 02:17AM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 746 |
Would they not also need a Wii and a PC too? I know that is a stupid question but I was told earlier the Wii had nothing to do with the Privated key so I was wondering what the bruteforcer ran on the PC actually bruteforced the key out of? Thanks.
A Wii is not needed. Anything encrypted with the private key can then be decrypted with the common key, which is widely known. The bruteforcer would just guess the key, sign something with it, then try to decrypt it with the common key and compare to the original. It doesn't "bruteforce the key out" of anything, so to speak, it just keeps guessing till it gets it right or is stopped manually (i.e. closing the program).
Re: BootMii as boot2 on new Wii's February 16, 2010 03:00AM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 858 |
Re: BootMii as boot2 on new Wii's February 16, 2010 04:13AM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 746 |
It's not 2048!, it's 2^2048. Substantially better odds, but still terrible.
RSA-2048 is 2048 bits, not bytes.
Even if it was bytes, 2048! would still be wrong. 2^16384 would be correct, and even that would be somewhat lower than 2048!.
Re: BootMii as boot2 on new Wii's February 16, 2010 11:24AM | Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 384 |
It's not 2048!, it's 2^2048. Substantially better odds, but still terrible.
RSA-2048 is 2048 bits, not bytes.
Even if it was bytes, 2048! would still be wrong. 2^16384 would be correct, and even that would be somewhat lower than 2048!.
Sorry about that, I just misread a brief quote I read up on it, and used that in my "equations"
Still, even though it'll probably never work, I say we give it a shot anyway, what's the harm?
Re: BootMii as boot2 on new Wii's February 16, 2010 12:16PM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 5,075 |
Well crap. Just thinking a little simply here, so someone point out any inaccuracies , if someone was gonna write an app to do that, I was willing to run it. If you figure that each of these attempts would take 10 seconds or so. That being said since the key is RSA-2048, it is comprised of 2048 bytes, or 618 decimal numbers. Therefore, to figure out the amount of time required, you would merely need to take the factorial of 2048, to figure out how many possible combinations there are, and then, multiply that by 10, and you'll have the number of seconds required. However, every calculator I have used has computed 2048! as ?. I'm going to say that's not technically correct, since that is assigning ? to a definite value. I'm just going to say however that that is a REALLY F'ING BIG number, and as is such, would not be feasible to run an attempt in this manner. More likely to get a hit than with a brute force, but, still not feasible. Now, we could increase our chances by having a bunch of people run this at the same time, but still not highly likely. Seems to be the best chance there is right now though, is it not?
Re: BootMii as boot2 on new Wii's February 18, 2010 09:34PM | Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 1,012 |
Re: BootMii as boot2 on new Wii's February 19, 2010 03:49PM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 379 |