LCD Screens
August 19, 2008 08:28PM
LCD Screens... I love and hate them so much. They make the picture incredible, but are just way to fragile. I'm particulary referring to the LCD screen on my PSP. Just the other day I accidently put a nice scratch on it. The darn thing ended up distorting the color where it was scratched.

So I was really ticked off the whole day. Then my friend told me how easy it was to fix the scratch. It was so easy in fact, that's the reason why I'm spending time to post this topic.

All I had to do was take a normal pencil and literally "erase" the scratch. You can still kinda see the scratch, but the color distortion all went away. I was so amazed, that I posted this topic to tell everyone how to fix the scratches on their LCD screens, monitors, TV's and everything else.
Thanks for reading, and I hope this helps anyone with the same problem.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/19/2008 08:31PM by Arikado.
Re: LCD Screens
August 19, 2008 08:49PM
even though you can use this trick to fix it, you should probably buy some plastic screen protectors, they are fairly cheap and you can just stick them on like a sticker, I use them for all my devices so I never got a scratch.
Re: LCD Screens
August 20, 2008 08:35AM
:o Wow...So will it work for my DS too?!?!
Re: LCD Screens
August 20, 2008 03:06PM
Maybe...maybe the touch will get wrong... can't be worse on my DS.
Re: LCD Screens
August 20, 2008 08:01PM
Probably the top screen, don't know about the touch one, though...
Re: LCD Screens
August 21, 2008 12:12AM
Aw...because the touch one is the only one that gets scratches :(.
Re: LCD Screens
August 21, 2008 12:47AM
That doesn't mean you shouldn't try...
Re: LCD Screens
August 21, 2008 07:51AM
Well I only have one DS...So if it gets permanently messed up that's not good.
Re: LCD Screens
August 21, 2008 10:16PM
Yeah, get someone else to try it first.
Re: LCD Screens
August 23, 2008 08:05AM
Ok...*gets sisters* <.<...>.>
Re: LCD Screens
August 23, 2008 02:37PM
You could con her into it like I do instead of stealing it. XP
Re: LCD Screens
August 24, 2008 06:36AM
She is older than me so sadly I can't con her :(
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