SNES9x GX Question (Earthbound)
August 14, 2009 08:17PM
I read on GameFAQs that pirated versions of Earthbound will freeze right before the final boss because of code that checks for a special chip in the cartridge. If it dosen't detect that chip, the game will freeze and all save data will be erased. My friend has a pirated ROM of this game. (He didn't know it was illegal to do this until I told him.) I don't know if SNES9x GX will bypass/emulate that chip, and I just wanted to save him some disapointment for when he gets to the final boss.
Re: SNES9x GX Question (Earthbound)
August 14, 2009 08:24PM
we cant help you with illegall roms and i dont thinnk it is possible to emulate a chip in the snes just yet...
Re: SNES9x GX Question (Earthbound)
August 14, 2009 09:10PM
we cant help you with illegall roms and i dont thinnk it is possible to emulate a chip in the snes just yet...
Ok, thank you. Anyway, even if the ROM wasn't illegal, it would still freeze.
Re: SNES9x GX Question (Earthbound)
August 14, 2009 11:29PM
I read on GameFAQs that pirated versions of Earthbound will freeze right before the final boss because of code that checks for a special chip in the cartridge. If it dosen't detect that chip, the game will freeze and all save data will be erased. My friend has a pirated ROM of this game. (He didn't know it was illegal to do this until I told him.) I don't know if SNES9x GX will bypass/emulate that chip, and I just wanted to save him some disapointment for when he gets to the final boss.

We can't help you with the playing of the game, but all I can say is if the game was insanely hard the whole way through, you're set up for disappointment
Re: SNES9x GX Question (Earthbound)
August 15, 2009 10:42AM
I've played through EB on snes9x GX without the anti-piracy "hard mode"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2009 10:43AM by metroid_maniac.
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