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Problems with The Homebrew Channel

Posted by Weegee 
Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 12, 2010 08:36PM
A few nights ago on #wiihelp, I asked for help on installing The Homebrew Channel due to having issues when installing it, but it turns out my case was a case they've never seen before, so when they ran out of ideas they directed me here.

I started out saying that I tried to install The Homebrew Channel on my Wii, but when I pressed 1 to get past the "this software must not be sold" thing, my screen started flickering. (To be more specific, it's this that's flickering, but that wasn't the same as my screen, I got that image off of wiibrew.org if you couldn't already tell.) I could make out the install screen for Homebrew, so I pressed install (I think...not positive, because it was very hard to read), then continued without installing DVDX. Instead of taking me to The Homebrew Channel afterwards, it just took me back to my Wii menu that had no signs of The Homebrew Channel on it (yes, I even checked the channel list in the settings menu to check if it was there but just wasn't appearing or something). I then asked them what I did wrong and told them two extra things that might help them figure it out. The first thing I told them was that I had actually installed version 0.6 out of a YouTube video (I scanned it for viruses, and the video was trusted), and the second thing I told them was when installing version 0.6, I didn't know the official website (I didn't know much when I did that), so it wasn't the Twilight hack or anything, it was the HackMii installer.

They then asked me a series of questions, so instead of explaining each and every one I'll try to shorten it.
Them: Do you have any piracy related stuff? If so, remove it.
Me: I don't have any of that stuff, and I don't plan to.
Them: What's your sysmenu version?
Me: 4.2U
Them: Which exploit are you using?
Me: Bannerbomb
Them: Have you tried using something other than the HackMii installer?
Me: Not that I know of...I say not that I know of because I did what the video told me to, then I looked at a different video due to the video I was watching not explaining how to install The Homebrew Channel.
Them: It couldn't be your TV, could it?
Me: Well it stopped after that, so I don't think so.
Them: Can you paste the video links?
Me: This was the first video, then I watched this. (I know it's usually a rule of thumb to not follow YouTube videos, but I was clueless at that time.)

After telling them all of that, they asked me to try the new HackMii installer while providing a link, saying that the YouTube video could be a bad download, or some other issue, so I went and downloaded it. I then installed most of it with the help of a few different users (I made sure my SD card was compatible, too). After correctly doing some of the steps, I downloaded the correct Bannerbomb version for my system menu, and proceeded to install that as well. After installing it correctly, I inserted the SD card into my Wii, and it started flickering again, but much slower. They then ruled out that my TV was the problem, obviously. I told them that the installation page says that The Homebrew Channel can be installed, and BootMii can only be installed as an IOS. It didn't say anything about DVDX, but they informed me that DVDX was discontinued, so I guess that's normal.

A different guy then asked me if I was using Windows, and what was on the SD card I was using, so I told him that I am using Windows 7, and a few custom Brawl stages and Power Saves were already on the card. He told me that it's okay to have that stuff on it, but I still want to post it here (better safe than sorry). The same guy then asked me to open a command prompt and type in the drive my SD card was in (the E drive in this case), and a colon. After I did that, he told me to type "CHKDSK /V > DISKREPORT.TXT" and press enter, so I did. I then copied the contents of diskreport.txt to a Pastebin file, which can be found here. He then asked me what boot.elf was, and I informed him that it's the newest HackMii installer. (Keep in mind that this and the paragraph above this one were pretty much happening at the same time, so it may be a bit confusing.) After that, he told me that I was doing everything correctly, but I wanted to paste it here anyway just in case.

After all of that, somebody asked me if my Wii had been hacked before, so I told them that it hasn't, and that this is the first time I've even attempted it. Then another guy told me that my Wii may be too new to install it as boot2, but this confused me, as I got my Wii approximately three years ago.

They then informed me that the installer saves a log after you exit, and that they wanted to see that log. However, after I quit, my Wii's disk light thing started flashing, and the screen was just black, so I restarted it and checked to see if it installed, but sadly it didn't. I then gave them the installer.log file, which can be found here, but that didn't seem to help them much because it apparently didn't tell them why it failed to install.

Somebody then asked me if I had ever sent my Wii in for repairs, so I told them that it had been sent in once due to it not reading disks, and also due to the eject button being very hard to push from it being knocked off once. They were surprised by that and told me that Nintendo might've blocked it from being able to install this sort of stuff on it, or they might've sent me some sort of refurbished Wii. After telling me that they told me to check the serial code on my fixed Wii and compare it to the box it came in. Sadly, I can't access it right now to make sure due to it being a few hours away at our old house, but I told them that it's most likely the same Wii, because it has the same sort of scratches on it, and the flap thing for the GameCube controllers was still broken (also from falling...D:).

After that, they sent me a link to a syscheck download, so I proceeded to download and install that on my Wii with the aid of the same group that has been helping me throughout all of this (yeah, I had the same 3-5 people helping me most of the night). After it finished performing the syscheck on my Wii, I pressed "Display the report", and a loooooot of text popped up. They told me to Pastebin it, but while I was trying to get out of the report and back to the Wii menu, I pressed the home button, and suddenly it switched to a black screen which showed a bunch of gibberish. I managed to snap a picture, but right after I did it started flickering slowly and started to get faster until it randomly disappeared, only to pop back up after a few seconds, then disappear again, then crash. The image of the random gibberish on my screen can be found here.

After discussing a few things including how crazy my Wii is, one of the people helping me asked if I had any GameCube controllers or memory cards plugged in, and I realized that I actually did have two memory cards plugged in. After informing them of that, they told me to take all of them out, and try running syscheck again. After I did basically the same thing, the report was the same as last time, and I could still get the random gibberish screen if I pressed the home button.

I then took the SD card out of my Wii, stuck it in my computer and copied the contents of the syscheck report to yet another Pastebin file which can be found here. After reviewing the report, they discussed how the question marks were really odd and probably shouldn't have been in there, but knowing my luck, they were! All of this sparked the question "Did I get my Wii used?", so I informed them that it was new when I bought it.

One user wanted me to try AnyTile Deleter after discussing a few things amongst themselves, so I downloaded it, and he walked me through the installation. After correctly copying the files on my SD card, I inserted it into my Wii and pressed the SD card menu, but before I could press yes or no on the popup menu, it crashed with nothing but a black screen. He told me to try again, so I did, and something actually happened that time. It told me that it's informing my Wii that it's God and popped up a few errors, but he said that it's normal to get a few errors, because I don't have a fakesigned IOS. However, after what seemed to be progress it just stopped loading other things. He then asked what my screen looked like, and I told them that it had a black background with white text that read "Informing Wii that I am God...Error! ES_Identify (ret = -1017)". He then told me that I probably needed a fakesigned IOS in order to get anywhere else, but they couldn't even get to one for some reason. After we all thought it was dead, I tried pressing the home button, and that made it pop up another paragraph, but I couldn't read it because the screen started flickering AGAIN. I restarted and tried a few times more but it kept crashing before I could press yes to the "Run boot.dol?" thing, just like the first time I tried.

Finally, after three hours of them helping me they all ran out of ideas, but it wasn't a big deal because it was really late and everyone (including me) had to sleep. Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated, if you even make it this far down this huge wall of important text. I tried shortening it, but as you can probably tell most of what happened was important, so I couldn't really. :\
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 13, 2010 04:14AM
Wow, that's one hell of a story.

According to the log file you posted, chkdsk found issues with your SD card. Try reformatting your SD card. (Copy all of your files to your computer first.) Then run "CHKDSK /V > DISKREPORT.TXT" at the command prompt again and post the report like you did before.
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 13, 2010 09:53AM
Click here to view the CHKDSK report. Also, I appreciate you reading through my huge wall of text very much. :D
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 13, 2010 08:40PM
The fact that your saving the log file to your SD card while scanning it may be causing problems with the scan.

This time, when you open the command prompt, type in the following:

(This puts the command prompt on a different drive)
chkdsk E: /V >report.txt
(This tells it to scan your SD card without being on that drive.)

Paste the new log file again (It will now be at the root of your C drive) so that we can verify that your SD card is OK.
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 14, 2010 02:50AM
Click here to view the new report. Sorry about that...
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 14, 2010 06:11AM
Ok, now put Bannerbomb and HackMii Installer (latest version) on your SD card and try again.
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 14, 2010 07:38AM
Well...this is very odd. The first time I inserted my SD card into my Wii and pressed yes to the "run boot.elf?" thing, it froze with a black screen and left my Wiimote vibrating. After I retried, it ran, but the screen started flickering again. After I had almost lost hope, I realized that it would actually let me select between the options unlike last time, so I pressed Install The Homebrew Channel, and it told me it was a success. I exited and it took me to the channel, but it wouldn't do anything unless I pressed the home button which would pop up a menu of a few different things. When I pressed "Run BootMii", it froze with another black screen and left my Wii disc light flashing like it a few nights ago (I explained it in my first post, actually). After I retried it did the same exact thing, but the disc light appeared to be flashing faster...

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/14/2010 07:56AM by Weegee.
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 14, 2010 11:45PM
You need apps on your SD card.

Grab something from wiibrew.org and see if you can now load it with the Homebrew Channel.
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 15, 2010 05:44AM
Do you mean something in this list? I know I probably sound stupid asking this, but I'm pretty clueless on this, and besides, better safe than sorry, right?
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 15, 2010 05:57AM
yep that's the one!

you can start with the homebrew browser if you want and then you can browse apps from that and not have to use the computer.
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 15, 2010 07:45PM
Okay, so I just put The Homebrew Browser on my SD card, stuck it into my Wii and pressed The Homebrew Channel, but apparently it needed to update. I let it download and all, but it took me back to that "This software must not be sold" screen. I pressed one to get past it, but it started flickering AGAIN. I could still choose options though, so I installed it, and it took me back to The Homebrew Channel. I pressed the Home button on my Wiimote to get that menu to pop up again, and I pressed "Launch BootMii", but again, it froze with the disk light flashing. I tried once more and the same thing happened. I don't just turn it off, either. If I press the power button and hold it for at least 10 seconds it does nothing. I have to fully remove the power cable from the back.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2010 07:47PM by Weegee.
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 15, 2010 08:08PM
The homebrew browser should now appear at the first screen appearing in the Homebrew Channel. Try to see if you can launch it. If it does not appear, you did not place it on your SD card correctly.
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 15, 2010 09:45PM
Well then I guess I didn't place it on my SD card correctly. I followed all of the instructions on this page, and it didn't work no matter how many different ways I tried it (I tried 3 different ways)...
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 15, 2010 09:53PM
E:\apps\homebrew_browser\boot.dol (or boot.elf, I forget which) should exist.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2010 09:53PM by winmaster.
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 15, 2010 10:33PM
Well apparently I was doing something differently than I just did, because the Homebrew Browser just appeared on the main screen, but when I loaded it it told me it was waiting for my network to initialize, and then stopped with a black screen for a minute or two, then started flickering slowly with a ton of text on the screen that was telling me about how the installation was going (I pressed load on the menu that popped up when I pressed the Homebrew Browser tab). After I thought it was going alright, it popped up a screen with a bunch of white bars, followed by a screen with a bunch of letters and numbers on it. I couldn't get to the bottom (it started flickering after a minute or so and I couldn't get a good picture of it), but I did take pictures of the top, and most of the middle. Here's the top first half, here's the top second half, and here's the middle first half (along with a little bit of the bottom).

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2010 10:37PM by Weegee.
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 15, 2010 10:34PM
Well then I guess I didn't place it on my SD card correctly. I followed all of the instructions on this page, and it didn't work no matter how many different ways I tried it (I tried 3 different ways)...
There aren't three different way. There is only one way:


If that is not your path, it will not work.
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 15, 2010 10:39PM
What I meant when I said different ways was I tried a few different things that it didn't tell me to after following the tutorial to see if I did something wrong or if it would load. Luckily, I somehow got it to work so it isn't a problem now, but I still appreciate your help either way.
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 15, 2010 10:42PM
As far as you can tell, is the Homebrew Channel working fine, without flickering?
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 15, 2010 10:44PM
It seems to be working fine until I press "Launch BootMii" or attempt to load "The Homebrew Browser", apparently.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2010 10:46PM by Weegee.
Re: Problems with The Homebrew Channel
August 16, 2010 05:07AM
stop pressing Launch BootMii...

What are you trying to do? you keep saying you want to run homebrew apps and you keep pressing launch bootmii...

do you know bootmii is for? why do you keep pushing it?

Go to http://wiibrew.org/wiki/List_of_homebrew_applications and browse all those apps. Find some you like, and install them the same way you did the Homebrew Browser...


then when you go to the homebrew channel, the apps you set up will be listed there for you to use.

Sounds like lots of people are getting the stack dumps from the Homebrew Browser so i dunno about that.
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