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How to fix Semi-Brick??

Posted by toxicfume 
How to fix Semi-Brick??
November 10, 2009 02:30PM
Hi all, I recently found out that my System Menu doesn't load. It gives me the Opera error:


You tried to access the address marc: , which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the web address (URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page.

NEED Help?

Open the Opera help.

Goto Opera's on-line support desk

And this is bad because the Wii ca't even connect to the Internet or go to any website or anything since it doesn'th ave my WiFi settings. :(

How can I fix this? I tried AnyChanger.. but it didn't seem to help at all. I tried the option to downgrade to 3.2U but it then tries to connect to the Network to download the firmware..but that's not possible cause the Wii doesn't have info about my WIFI!!

Is there any other way to fix it? How can I? I think I have firmware 4.1.. but I'm not sure at all.. someone please help!!

Re: How to fix Semi-Brick??
November 10, 2009 02:38PM
Download NUSD off of wiibrew.org. Tell it to download a WAD of your System Menu. Then install it with Wadimport. (also on the wiki)
Re: How to fix Semi-Brick??
November 10, 2009 02:41PM
Download NUSD off of wiibrew.org. Tell it to download a WAD of your System Menu. Then install it with Wadimport. (also on the wiki)
And how do I find out what my System Menu is?

Re: How to fix Semi-Brick??
November 10, 2009 03:52PM
Install either system menu 3.2 or 4.1. If you want 3.2, install IOS 30 version 1040 and then install system menu 3.2 for your region. If you want 4.1, install IOS 60 version 6174 and system menu 4.1 for your region.

Before installing a system menu, you must install the correct version of the system menu IOS as I mentioned above or else you will brick your wii. Also, if you have a newer wii that came with system menu 3.4 or higher preinstalled, you must install system menu 4.1 because installing 3.2 will brick your wii.
Re: How to fix Semi-Brick??
November 10, 2009 04:20PM
Install either system menu 3.2 or 4.1. If you want 3.2, install IOS 30 version 1040 and then install system menu 3.2 for your region. If you want 4.1, install IOS 60 version 6174 and system menu 4.1 for your region.

Before installing a system menu, you must install the correct version of the system menu IOS as I mentioned above or else you will brick your wii. Also, if you have a newer wii that came with system menu 3.4 or higher preinstalled, you must install system menu 4.1 because installing 3.2 will brick your wii.
Wow that totally fixed it!! :D Thanks so much for the help!! :)
Re: How to fix Semi-Brick??
November 10, 2009 09:37PM
Also, if you have a newer wii that came with system menu 3.4 or higher preinstalled, you must install system menu 4.1 because installing 3.2 will brick your wii.
That's not true. If you have 4.2 and you downgrade it will brick, 4.1 and 4.0 are fine though.
But it's good that you got it fixed
Re: How to fix Semi-Brick??
November 10, 2009 10:11PM
Also, if you have a newer wii that came with system menu 3.4 or higher preinstalled, you must install system menu 4.1 because installing 3.2 will brick your wii.
That's not true. If you have 4.2 and you downgrade it will brick, 4.1 and 4.0 are fine though.
But it's good that you got it fixed

Actually on "LU64" Wiis (aka "unsoftmoddable") it IS impossible to safely install 3.2, because the boot2 or boot1 version (not 100% sure which) is incompatible with earlier System Menus and IOS (e.g. it cannot work with a non-stubbed IOS30)
Re: How to fix Semi-Brick??
November 10, 2009 10:35PM
It is actually a hardware issue. "LU64" Wiis have new hardware that is not compatible with old IOSes. Bushing mentioned this here.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/10/2009 10:39PM by jbc007.
Re: How to fix Semi-Brick??
November 10, 2009 11:07PM
Oh its actually hardware? was never really sure. thanks for clearing that up.
Re: How to fix Semi-Brick??
June 15, 2011 04:57PM
can you tell me how you did it? im not sure if mine is still 4.1 and I don't really know how to use NUSD....
Re: How to fix Semi-Brick??
June 16, 2011 03:16AM
can you tell me how you did it? im not sure if mine is still 4.1 and I don't really know how to use NUSD....
You install the proper system menu that matches your system setting.txt. This can be done by loading the HBC and launching dop-mii wiibrew edition. You must have HBC 1.07 or 1.08 installed and a network connection, otherwise dop-mii wiibrew will crash when loaded under AHBPROT.

If you don't know what your region settings are, you can view the region with savemiifrii, or a syscheck.

Also, if you have a low system menu version you can simply do savemiifrii and install a disc update from a game with an update of higher version.

If you don't have network, but have 4.2 or less, you possibly can load dop-mii wiibrew without ABHPROT enabled. You could load it from HBC or via bannerbomb, then update the system menu to the correct region of a higher version. You don't need any patched ios running to update official titles, so this does work, but I don't know if it work with dop-mii or not.

If you have a lower version system menu you could use Nus Downloader to download an updated system ios and system menu, then install them.

If now of that helps, there are other options. Just do some research on-
"Semi-Brick, system settings locked, Opera error."
-Google is your friend and can help you with most of your questions.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2011 03:18AM by mauifrog.
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