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I need help unbricking a NON-HACKED Wii from version 4.2 (USA)

Posted by Ineedhelp 
I need help unbricking a NON-HACKED Wii from version 4.2 (USA)
April 24, 2010 09:41PM
Alright folks, I have been doing some research on this, and I have come to these conclusions:

1. My non-hacked Wii (meaning, I don't have ANY HBC-related data on it) has been bricked due to Nintendo's shoddy boot2v4 included in the 4.2 firmware update. It happened last night when I wanted to play my newest game (Monster Hunter Tri).

2. I can check the firmware version that my Wii has on the black screen o' death by using my GameCube controller (which is taken apart) in port 4 and holding down the 4 D-pad buttons simultaneously before start-up.

3. I can buy the SaveMii GameCube memory card dongle, but it only works for up to version 3.2 Wiis. I'd have to wait for a newer version to help me.

4. I wouldn't be screwed if I had HBC. After this incident, I may as well cave in and start Homebrewing. Either that, or get something better than Verizon DSL which caused this brick in the first place. Damn shoddy internet connection...

Okay, after finally realizing this, I have come to the conclusion that my Wii CAN be saved. If I look at number 2, I recall reading on several forums (that are similar to this one) that all I have to do is pop in a game or an official Wii System Update disc that has NEWER FIRMWARE than what is already on the system. However, seeing how we are currently at 4.2 and my system is also at 4.2, I'm SOL until the newer firmware comes out. Even then, finding a game with a newer update would be slim-to-none.

HOWEVER! Is it possible for my Wii to upload something from an SD card during the start-up process that will allow me to fix the boot2v4 or downgrade to a firmware version that'll get it out of bricked mode? Once again, I have NO hacked software on my Wii at all. It is a 100% legit Wii that has never touched Homebrew Channel stuff.

Any help will be much appreciated! I will also clarify anything I didn't explain well enough to the best of my ability. Oh, and here are pics of my setup:

PS- Any idea when version 4.3 will come out?
Re: I need help unbricking a NON-HACKED Wii from version 4.2 (USA)
April 24, 2010 10:07PM
1) the Savemii Dongle, and what you're doing with the 4 gamecube buttons on the d-pad (known as SaveMiiFrii) do exactly the same thing
2) You just have to wait for the next firmware update, and wait for a game to have it
3) Another option, is to use an infectus and a NAND backup from another Wii with the same boot1 version and the same (or greater) boot2 version
Re: I need help unbricking a NON-HACKED Wii from version 4.2 (USA)
April 24, 2010 10:38PM
3) Another option, is to use an infectus and a NAND backup from another Wii with the same boot1 version and the same (or greater) boot2 version

I've been told at other websites (GBAtemp, Wiihacks, etc.) that I can't do this option because I don't have any hacks/mods on my Wii.
Re: I need help unbricking a NON-HACKED Wii from version 4.2 (USA)
April 24, 2010 10:39PM
Your wii was not affected by the boot2 update; if it was, it would not boot at all. However, it will be difficult for you to fix. Since you don't have homebrew, you may want to consider sending it to Nintendo. If you tell them that it was caused by the update, they may not charge you for the repair. After all, it is very easy for them to fix this kind of brick.

If you want to fix it yourself, the easiest option, as you mentioned, is to wait for a game with 4.3 to come out and use that to update. However, that may not fix it (it probably will work, but there is no way to know for sure at the momend). Also, it probably will be a while before a game is released with 4.3. There is no way to know when it will happen, but since 4.3 doesn't exist right now (although 4.2 has been out for quite a while), and Nintendo usually takes their time to put new updates on discs, you will likely have to wait a long time.

Fortunately, there may be another way to fix it. However, it will require you to install a mod chip that is already configured to autoboot games. With a chip, the easiest method would be to autoboot Brawl and use Smash Stack to launch appropriate homebrew tools to fix it. Unfortunately, it has been reported that this does not work. I'm not sure whether this is true, but it is probably not worth the effort to try it.

If you had a trucha bugged IOS, which you don't, there would be more options, such as patching Mario Kart to install a WAD instead of the Mario Kart channel. However, as it is, you may be wasting your time trying to fix it.

Edit: Actually, if your wii is old enough to install Bootmii as boot2, you could manually install Bootmii with an Infectus. After doing that, you could convert a NAND dump from another wii to work on yours.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/25/2010 12:46AM by jbc007.
Re: I need help unbricking a NON-HACKED Wii from version 4.2 (USA)
April 25, 2010 03:46AM
Edit: Actually, if your wii is old enough to install Bootmii as boot2, you could manually install Bootmii with an Infectus. After doing that, you could convert a NAND dump from another wii to work on yours.

People on other forums keep mentioning this option, but I can't find a FAQ or thread that goes in-depth on how to do this. If you can show me where to go, I'd be much appreciated.

EDIT: And yes, my Wii is the oldest you can get- a launch one (November 19, 2006). So if you could redirect me to the ARCHAIC method of getting Bootmii on an old Wii, I'd be extremely thankful.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/25/2010 03:49AM by Ineedhelp.
Re: I need help unbricking a NON-HACKED Wii from version 4.2 (USA)
April 25, 2010 05:06AM

Some users over at GBAtemp have pointed out that it may be my BLUETOOTH MODULE that is either corrupted or disconnected. The bluetooth module is known to cause the BLACK SCREEN OF DEATH, but still allows for the Wii to access its recovery menu. This was pointed out after realizing that my Wii Remotes WILL NOT TURN ON MY Wii. I will get back to you guys as soon as I fool around with it. I have a spare bluetooth module in a Japanese Wii that I will try.
Re: I need help unbricking a NON-HACKED Wii from version 4.2 (USA)
April 25, 2010 05:14AM
It probably is the bluetooth module then. Still, it is quite a coincidence that it happened right after updating.
Re: I need help unbricking a NON-HACKED Wii from version 4.2 (USA)
April 29, 2010 02:03AM
It probably is the bluetooth module then. Still, it is quite a coincidence that it happened right after updating.

Yup, it was the Bluetooth Module. And damn, what a freaking coincidence it was. Replaced the module today with backup parts from my Japanese Wii (along with the DVD drive too because I broke the little plastic thingies that hold the main plastic thingy in place to clamp the ribbon cable, d'oh >.<). I was able to play my games again without a problem. THANK GOD!

ed: no modchip support here

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/08/2010 05:06AM by marcan.
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