Go into the settings and copy down your wiis mac address. Then get "Letterbomb" setup on your sd card. Put the letterbomb "Private" folder on your sd card, nothing else. Get "dop-mii v12", extract the boot.dol to sd:/. Now run the letterbomb exploit and load the boot.dol, dop-mii should load. Select an ios with permissions "trucha, es- identify, nand,", load that ios. Now do a system scan of the wii, let it finish or crash ( which ever comes first). Turn the wii off, power it back on and see if you can load any channels.
If you have issues with loading dop-mii via letter bomb, load the hackmii installer instead, then reinstall HBC and exit the installer to HBC. Then load dop-mii from HBC and do the system scan while running on an ios with "permissions"
You probably want to use ios250
It is possible that your wii will not have the needed ios permissions to do the fix. If that happens load the hackmii via letterbomb, then exit the installer to the HBC. Load dop-mii wiibrew edition, try the system scan under ahbprot and see if that fixes the issue. If not, install ios36-v1042 and ios15-v257 via dop-mii wiibrew. Then load dop-mii v12 and load ios36, do the system scan. IOS36 v1042 will likely crash if your wii is new. If that happens try again, but use ios15 to do the scan. I don't know if the current versions of dop-mii will fix the issue I think you may have, but you can try, v12 is know to fix it.
Hope that helps. If you does not work you have bigger issue. I suggest making a new nand backup with bootmii and running giantpunes nandbincheck on it, do a full scan then post the report. Perhaps someone who know what any of that means can detect and issue.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/13/2011 06:22AM by mauifrog.