HelPp, I have a 4.3u wii, I installed smashtack, Bootmii as Ios, there was no option for Boot2, I then installed Menufy app. theme, when I turned off my wii to test it, there was nothing but the black screen, I also extracted my Key.bins. using MMM (Multi Mod Manager), I tried the Savemii and it worked 4.3u(flashed at the bottom right), but my burnt Uudv2(Universal Unbrick disc) doesnt read I used a Memorex DvD-RW (4x 4.7GB) with Imgburn, when I insert the disc it spends and then it stops with one flash of the blue light from the drive when I turn on my Wii, please guys I need serious help with this wii.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/28/2011 06:39AM by bg4545.