I soft modded my wii many moons ago, probably around 3.2 system menu version... And have since updated my Wii and let Nintendo kill off the homebrew with one of the updates. Anyway, recently I've had some issues with the Wii's general functionality. Netflix would crash on me randomly, and give me weird buzzing sounds after doing so. That wasn't so bad, then I had an issue where if I selected the Shop channel my wii would reboot. So I did a full format of system memory using the builtin wii functionality and now I have no netflix and shop channel won't work.
This is also one of the first Wii's made. I stood in line at release at midnight and managed to pick this up.
I began pillaging the internet for answers and decided to re-soft-mod the wii to reinstall the wii shop channel. After doing so, I think I improperly used Wii mod 3.0 and now my Wii is bricked. I have a gamecube controller at my disposal that I can take apart to do a FixMiiFrii with, I just don't know about an autoboot disc, or anything like that. Now onto the answering of common questions:
What happens when your Wii boots up? (How far it gets, does the Wii remote work, does the system freeze, go black, etc.)
Wii boots up from a red led to yellow led, wii mote works it just does not lock onto anything, it does the 4 pixel blinky then goes to nothing. TV shows unusable signal.
What Version of the System Menu is installed on the Wii?
- Probably every version, esp 3.2 and 4.3u.
Is the Homebrew Channel, the Twilight Hack, Indiana Pwns, Yu-Gi-Oh Exploit, Smash Stack, Bathaxx, Return of the Jodi, or Eri HaKawai installed on the system?
- HBC latest version, I used the messagebox hack to get into the bootloader.
Does your Wii have a Drivechip?
No, softmodded only
Have you been able to boot homebrew in any way?
Do you have BootMii/boot2 or Preloader (Priiloader) installed?
I have bootmii on boot2.
My biggest question: Is there a way I can boot using BootMiiFrii? I basically need a boot disc of some kind and I don't know whewre to find one. I looked at BLIND 2.0 and have not had success.
Thanks! Let me know your thoughts, or suggestions.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2012 01:54AM by celebrant.