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Semi-bricked but applied wrong fix

Posted by exirth 
Semi-bricked but applied wrong fix
June 25, 2016 05:31PM

I have a semi-bricked wii (games can be booted but settings cannot be entered) with region JP but before I overlooked and updated to v290 (PAL) with the semi-brick fix from here.

What should I do next to get it unbricked?

Some general info...

What happens when your Wii boots up? (How far it gets, does the Wii remote work, does the system freeze, go black, etc.)
Able to boot game but gets the opera error for JP in settings

What Version of the System Menu is installed on the Wii?
Could not enter system settings since I got it.

Is the Homebrew Channel, the Twilight Hack, Indiana Pwns, Yu-Gi-Oh Exploit, Smash Stack, Bathaxx, Return of the Jodi, or Eri HaKawai installed on the system?

Does your Wii have a Drivechip?
No idea

Have you been able to boot homebrew in any way? Nope, tried something called banner but didn't work

Do you have BootMii/boot2 or Preloader (Priiloader) installed? Nope


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/25/2016 05:36PM by exirth.
Re: Semi-bricked but applied wrong fix
June 26, 2016 03:00AM
It should be fixable if you can boot a game exploit, you just need the Japanese versions of the games. There is a version of Smash Stack that will work if you have Super Smash Bros. X. From there you can install the Homebrew Channel, and then install the Japanese system menu
Re: Semi-bricked but applied wrong fix
June 26, 2016 06:11AM
It should be fixable if you can boot a game exploit, you just need the Japanese versions of the games. There is a version of Smash Stack that will work if you have Super Smash Bros. X. From there you can install the Homebrew Channel, and then install the Japanese system menu

For SmashStack, you are referring to the NTSC-J version?

Also to clarify as I don't have the game right now, the Super Smash Bros. that I should be getting is the "Wii U" version or which other specific one?

Thanks so much!
Re: Semi-bricked but applied wrong fix
July 02, 2016 07:42PM
Yes if your Wii runs Japanese games then you should be able to use the NTSC-J version of Smash Stack. You need the Wii (NOT Wii U) version.
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