(sorry.. double posted. thought this place would be a better place to post it)
I'm using Wii softmodding for dummies v.41 (http://wiiguide.byethost2.com/)
and I've done every step correctly. I put all the data on my sd card with the auto installer but when it comes time to pull up the sd card on the wii, the only thing that shows up is a question mark icon, the load /boot.dol? pop up does not come up. I checked to make sure all the data did get on the card (i wasn't sure if my card was big enough, so i checked and there was empty data on the card)
so then i erased the card and started over with the info on lifehacker (http://lifehacker.com/5342733/hack-your-wii-for-homebrew-without-twilight-princess)
but quickly ran into a problem.
Next, copy the installer.elf file from the HackMii installer onto the root of the SD card and rename it to boot.elf—as seen above.
There was no installer.elf file in my hackmii folder.. there was already a boot.elf file so i just moved it over on the sd card. And of course, that didn't work either, when it came to the boot.dol/elf pop up...
anybody know why this is happening, or can give me another way of doing it??