Forecast Weather HB Channel (Meteo)
August 24, 2009 07:37PM
I'd like a forecast weather HOMEBREW on my -------- WII (with WIIConnect24 disabled)... something like HTC-phone with Manila (weather tab).
I thing data could be taken from "accuweather".

Thanx for yr time.

Regars fr PK.

PS: Hope this request sound more better. Sorry for my first post.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/25/2009 07:01PM by paperquack.
Re: Forecast Weather HB Channel (Meteo)
August 24, 2009 09:02PM
There are no legal homebrew channels except Homebrew Channel, and I believe there is no way to currently make them. It would HAVE to be a homebrew run from HBC, not a channel.
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