My question is particularly pertaining to Super Mario Bros. X. A great downloadable game featuring seamless switching between splitscreen and not...


This is just a taste of what sort of things are in the game...

While I know nothing of programming, it'd be amazing to have this sort of a game on the Wii.
I think another question might be what specific language it is written in and what's the portability of that language. I'm not a programmer and I'm more or less blowing smoke but if recall some homebrew is written in c++. I think vb uses c++. Blah blah blah.
I think another question might be what specific language it is written in and what's the portability of that language. I'm not a programmer and I'm more or less blowing smoke but if recall some homebrew is written in c++. I think vb uses c++. Blah blah blah.

lol. VB IS a language. It doesn't use another language. It uses VB.
Like I said I'm mainly blowing smoke and I don't know what I'm talking about but my thoughts that visual c++ had some portability. Though of course i really could be wrong. Ideally I would guess any capable programmer familiar with programming wii homebrew that happened to check out that game and thought it was wii worthy might get with the programmers of the game to work on porting it over. I can't do it. i can barely draw stick men in gimp but if anyone needed stick men call me. :)
Like I said I'm mainly blowing smoke and I don't know what I'm talking about but my thoughts that visual c++ had some portability. Though of course i really could be wrong. Ideally I would guess any capable programmer familiar with programming wii homebrew that happened to check out that game and thought it was wii worthy might get with the programmers of the game to work on porting it over. I can't do it. i can barely draw stick men in gimp but if anyone needed stick men call me. :)

It's not so much a question of ease of portability, it's more along the lines of ease of cloning.
Apparently, you can program for the Wii with BCX Basic. Depending on how close that language is (by the looks of it, not very) to VB, you could port it to BCX and then to the Wii.
Well Visual studios is an IDE for visual basics isn't it? (Once again I'm not a programmer at all) Wiiwizard is a wii application template for Visual Studio (Express) 2008 which I guess would have visual basics 9. Now I don't know what i'm talking about but I assume that's for making programs for the wii with visual studios. How portable is vb8 to vb 9 would be the question I'd assume and how much do you have to modify the code to make it wii ready.
Re: How difficult would it be to get a program running on Visual Basic 8 to run on the Wii?
June 03, 2010 09:03AM
This will never happen, not saying it's impossible but no one will every do it. Besides compiling the basic code you'll need to translate all the dependencies VB uses, i.e. the gdi libraries.

Even if someone did, my question would be why?

If there is some code or app in VB that someone wants to port it's easier for a developer to look at the VB code and recreate it in C/C++. I gave up on VB 10 years ago I used VB3/5/6 but now it's just crazy and bloated with all the .net dependencies.

My feelings on VB.NET .... MEH! :)
I am all for what ever is easier.
The best option would probably be a C++ port.
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