Couple newbie Wii programming questions: Is it possible to determine wiimotes movement corresponding to world coordinates? Say, you have the controller in your hand and move it to right, and want to map this in to a 3d movement to right on the screen? Also, what I'm aiming at is not using the ir. In other words the user wouldn't need to point to the screen - although this can be useby melw - Coding
I.R.on: I seem to be using: WPAD_ReadPending(WPAD_CHAN_ALL, countevs); instead of: WPAD_ScanPads(); Perhaps that makes the difference? All the IOS'es I have are directly from Nintendo. Everything on the console has been installed up to System Menu 4.1 (required by WiiSports Resort).by melw - Coding
So, what is the correct way of initializing the MotionPlus extension? I had first similar problems to I.R.on above, but after playing around a bit I got readings from the extension - in not so pretty way: // in main loop if(!mpConnected) { sleep(2); WPAD_SetMotionPlus(0, 1); } WPAD_Expansion(0, &exp); if (exp.type == EXP_MOTION_PLUS) mpConnected = true; else mpConnected =by melw - Coding
Thanks for all the replies - this cleared up things for me quite a melw - Coding
Ok, perhaps this is more of a game design than coding topic, but nevertheless I'd like to hear few pointers on how people are handling different screen resolutions. I've been wondering what are the most used resolutions one should support when developing Wii software. Say, you want to have pixel perfect 2d background for each and every resolution - what would you ask from your graphiby melw - Coding
Where exactly the crash occurs? Try to locate the function (and line) where it happens and it's easier for yourself or anybody following this forum to see what's going wrong. If you don't have USB Gecko, debug prints to console and waiting afterwards works jolly good as melw - Coding
I had WPAD_SetDataFormat() only for WPAD_CHAN_0, after changing the init as following everything started working: WPAD_SetDataFormat(WPAD_CHAN_ALL, WPAD_FMT_BTNS_ACC_IR); WPAD_SetVRes(WPAD_CHAN_ALL, rmode->fbWidth, rmode->xfbHeight); Thanks for the help, guys. Now I can enjoy full wiimote support. :)by melw - Coding
Ok, I've been banging my head against the wall for the whole day, been going through libogc headers, searching for code examples and using wiibrew/google to find some answers but I still didn't get this working: So, how to read ir input properly for 2nd, 3rd and 4th wiimote? While scanning for buttons seems to work I can get a ir reading for second wiimote at all. Current code for reby melw - Coding
In the end I took a look at ScummVM Wii port, what dhewg did there works nicely in different resolutions and seems to be also fast enough for my purposes. Thanks for the tips, anyway!by melw - Coding
Hi, I'm new to Wii development with some background on the DS homebrew side. I aim to port some some stuff from DS to Wii and wondered what would be the best (i.e. most efficient) way of pushing 2d pixel graphics on the screen in framebuffer like fashion? Using GX like in the examples included in libogc? Any tips related to this topic are welcome. Thanks!by melw - Coding