With opening "<"s I assume. How did that happen? I've never seen one column of text vanish like that. And what do you know, it works perfectly. Does the r19 release fix this bug?by Tyr_God_Of_War - Coding
Why not use what the examples use and have a makefile call make in each directory? Would that work for you? SUBDIRS:= `ls | egrep -v '^(CVS)$$'` DATESTRING := $(shell date +%Y)$(shell date +%m)$(shell date +%d) all: @for i in $(SUBDIRS); do if test -e $$i/Makefile ; then $(MAKE) -C $$i || { exit 1;} fi; done; clean: @rm -f *.bz2 @for i in $(SUBDIRS); do if test -e $by Tyr_God_Of_War - Coding
I'm trying to get libwiisprite working. I have the latest devkitpro from the windows updater/installer, which I believe is r21. I have tried the version off the download link of the wiibrew wiki page (http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Libwiisprite), as well as the version off of Arikado's page that was compiled for r19. (http://wiibrew.org/wiki/User:Arikado/Extra_Programs) I have also compilby Tyr_God_Of_War - Coding