It depends what you want to store. If it's just Homebrew games/applications it should be pokeglobe - Getting Started
You can still use WiFi just the same. Apps are stored on your SD card "apps/appfolder/boot.dol" I have been using DVDx since I bought my Wii. It's launch date, so, pokeglobe - Getting Started
Check out some applications that have disc reading. Most of them include a source code so you can modify it. Like giantpune said, Check out Wiiscrubber's source and work from there. You can also request this in the ideas/requests if you can't code it yourself. Good luck!by pokeglobe - Coding
My whole question is the title.. In case you don't get what I am saying... I tried to make a library out of TinyLoad and it gets to the jumping to entrypoint part. Then hangs. It did the same with Gecko OS as the Library. So I assume when I call a function within the library, it changes the entrypoint or something. It works just fine on it's own. Just wont work when called fby pokeglobe - Coding
Basicly, it's not working for me. It is an open source project that includes a library of Gecko OS's apploader and such. I cannot get games to boot. Could someone else test it? Edit: Erm, I tried using Tinyload's source but it did the same. I called the function in the lib from the main application. It starts,gets disc id then hangs? Is there something wrong with thby pokeglobe - Testing Corner
I know. I thought of that after I pokeglobe - Offtopic
This wont be much help, they are telling RSA about pokeglobe - Offtopic
I hope they come back. Thanks. I also heard that they were low at pokeglobe - Offtopic
It seems, wherever I look I cannot find a USB gecko. I have tried many modchip sites and such, but none have it anymore. I live in canada if this pokeglobe - Offtopic
If nobody else is, I can pokeglobe - Ideas, requests
I am using r93. When I click (syscheck) it asks if I want to continue. I hit yes, Exception DSI right away. Whenever I install an IOS without fakesigning the Hackmii installer still refuses. Any ideas?by pokeglobe - Homebrew Applications
If it says "can only be installed as IOS" you cannot fix it. Otherwise, post the message you see on the pokeglobe - Getting Started
I was reading on the bannerbomb v2 page, it said it ONLY worked on 4.2 Well, it works on 4.0 and 4.1 for me. Loading from the blue SD card menu of course. Just thought I'd pokeglobe - Offtopic
Or, look at the Homebrew setup page on the pokeglobe - Getting Started
I thought SNEEK was by crediar. I didn't know he supported usb pokeglobe - The Junkyard
If what Daid said was correct (Since I didn't really read it all), Nobody is going to help you violate the HBC license. Even if you DID get away with it, Twiizers would take it pokeglobe - The Junkyard
How exactly do I use it? I ran it, pushed 1 and nothing happened. Then my memcard was "corrupt" like it said in bugs. But no matter how many times I try, it still does pokeglobe - Offtopic
Is there a way I can skip the GC copy protection? I want to copy a save from my Non ninty Memcard to the official one. But no apps/haxx I have seen can do this. Can someone redirect me on an app or way to do this?by pokeglobe - Offtopic
I am still having a problem with this. How come I cannot delete the temporary file in ISFS and then add a custom one? I added the code into save_nus_object Right after it saves: Delete it Add new one Update Hash Then it encrypts then signs TMD But install ALWAYS returns -4100 It's using the same module, I mean EXACT same! I have tried not updating hash also, but problem stillby pokeglobe - Coding
With the beta trucha features, I have noticed the "Requires IOS:" box. Does this mean the IOS it's loaded with? I would like to change it from IOS55 to something else if possible. pokeglobe - Homebrew Applications
I'm guessing by "2 files loaded and the bootmii did not" means it can only be installed as IOS. When it shows the items saying : Can be installed/Can only be installed as IOS. It should say "Continue" below all of the items. Click it with the Wii remote (A button) and then choose what you wish to install. If it says it cannot install, please say what the error message was. This mightby pokeglobe - Getting Started
I am trying to define the title ID to install via the Menu selection. Aka Install With Trucha = Define IOS36 Install Without = Define IOS35 But I cannot use the #define more than once without it screwing with me. I also cannot use: INPUT_VERSION= 12; or it will spew out an error. error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment Should I just remove the defines and replace thby pokeglobe - Coding
I suppose I'll try. pokeglobe - Offtopic
EDIT: it says cannot find broadway-gcc. google was no help. Anybody know?by pokeglobe - Offtopic
Just so we're clear, this is no big deal, I'm not complaining or saying ZOMG haxx. I went to and Norton came up saying it blocked an intrusion. (Lol) Risk name: HTTP Malicious Javascript Heap Spray BO Attacking computer: (IP) Attacker URL: Destination Addr: Me (My IP) Source Addr: His site's IP. Desc: Network traffic from matches the signature oby pokeglobe - Offtopic
FixMii is a tool to fix all kinds of bricks if you have Bootmii as boot2. Sometimes when you get a banner brick, you get a new wii and forget about it. You may forget the Title/Delete the "wad". It will let you browse your titles and delete whatever you want but IOS & Sysmenu. Sometimes you delete your system menu and you notice, "Hey! I can't sync my wiimotes! :(" It will let you Downby pokeglobe - Testing Corner
Can someone delete this? It's been made and it's being tested pokeglobe - Testing Corner
I found I just had to use fatinit again and it fixed pokeglobe - Coding