about the installerby darklink - Homebrew Applications
i want the today and tommorrow channel ):by darklink - Offtopic
isnt the lates sysmenu from europe that wouldnt work on his wiiby darklink - FixMii
Quotemetroid_maniacReally? EDIT: proof. thats usefullby darklink - Offtopic
what is all of this for?by darklink - Offtopic
maybe its installed as ios, can u acces the hbc??by darklink - FixMii
does teknecal know?by darklink - Homebrew Applications
yeah mee too the only thing i have is a ps1by darklink - Offtopic
when i saw that vid i thought the same: WOW ITS SO COOL especially when they compare it to the ps2(i hate sony)by darklink - Offtopic
i saw a vid on youtube about an "ibox" gonna look for it EDIT: here it is: youtubeby darklink - Offtopic
Nintendo is gonna release a black remote, black nunchuck and black wm+ around christmas time(only those three afaik)by darklink - Getting Started
QuoteSifJarIf a Wii has been on 4.1, IOS50 will have been turned into a stub. The downgrade wont have removed the stub, so IOS50 will still be a stub (BTW, a stub is a useless IOS which Nintendo put there to save the spot, without an IOS actually being in it. It is completely unfunctional). System Menu 3.4, the most recent update included in a game uses IOS50 as the System Menu IOS. The IOS50 incby darklink - Homebrew General
maybe like the wiimote that has theese little holes on the bottom that will be used for third party accesories or official nintnedo accesories that may be released later ps: wow quick answerby darklink - Offtopic
it moves something that look like locks on some holes on the back (i think, havent checked)by darklink - Offtopic
i wouldnt download an illegal wad(fail!) or depending how much it cost you on ebay i would buy it from wii shop channelby darklink - Homebrew General
check this page to see what kind of brick it is: savemii troubleshootingby darklink - FixMii
at least they fixed the bugby darklink - BootMii Beta
yay three sony haters (that includes me) sony sucks!!!by darklink - Offtopic
Thx for the program mdbrim and all you guys for the helpby darklink - Homebrew Applications
Hey pinwiz have you told bushing or someone else from team twiizers about this installer? Maybe like sifjar says they will help you or let you use their exploitby darklink - Homebrew Applications
ok thats fine so next weekend.. alrightby darklink - Homebrew Applications
QuoteChuckBartowskiAs a long shot, HBB integration. i think that will be really hard, why not just wait for the hbb channel that pinball wizard is making it could be really usefullby darklink - Offtopic
im 14 and thank for the help anyone know a good ftp client for windows or linuxby darklink - Homebrew Applications
i used a app on the hbc to modify the bootmii.ini and thats how it should beby darklink - FixMii
i like the dsi because of its cameras even though theyre not relly good but it has 2!! and topgun is right when an exploit comes out for the dsi it will be free so thats greatby darklink - Offtopic
Quoteseek Anyway, I'm saying the third-party developers seem to be dominating the business decisions of Nintendo as their cheap, crude, and borderline worthless titles (any game based on a kid's movie kthx) are selling like beer at Wrigley Field. So other developers see this and think, 'hey, why do I need to waste valuable capital making a high-value game when I can sell this poweby darklink - Offtopic