"That" Wii had the recovery disc and an SD card left in it, no dongle. The "Wii Backup Disc" does nothing special other than let you back up saves and delete stuff. I'm not sure if that happened before or after the SaveMii, but it isn't related. The dongle stuff was reverse engineered from the system menu. It's just an EXI device with ID 0x070200xx. There's nothing more toby marcan - Offtopic
Another utter moron. Please leave the Internet, you're just annoying the world around you.by marcan - The Junkyard
Make sure you perform said head banging to completion until the intended result (death) occurs. Otherwise you may experience uncomfortable side effects such as headaches. Mental retardation, however, is not a threat, as you already have that condition. If you are incapable or unwilling to bang your head to death, please consider becoming sterile in order to remove yourself from the gene pool.by marcan - The Junkyard
There is no reasonable way to fix 003 at this time, period.by marcan - FixMii
Don't bother explaining this. Complete retards who ignore big bold red text shoved at their faces don't get explanations, they get reported and immediately banned.by marcan - The Junkyard
Don't even bother replying to this shit. Just report it.by marcan - The Junkyard
Nor are patched system IOSes - WikiFSX, this is your warning. Patching system stuff is always a bad idea.by marcan - Homebrew General
For what it's worth, little can be done unless you find someone willing to sue. DMCA notices are useless because they only apply to hosting services, and they just switch servers (I've sent dozens, hasn't done much good). Clickbank and Plimus and friends are apparently happy to sell you illegal crap as long as they get their cut of the money, and their "affiliate" schemes are justby marcan - Homebrew General
"Try again" is a courtesy feature so you don't have to lose your post data if you accidentally forget to click the checkbox. There is no censorship, it's just in-your-face big red bold "no warez allowed". This a) has cut down significantly on the amount of crap we get already, and b) gives me a great reason to immediately ban anyone who ignores the message and gets their post reporteby marcan - Offtopic
You should try Wii Linux. It will probably get better network and storage performance than anything native (using BootMii+mini), and native Linux torrent clients should work just fine.by marcan - Ideas, requests
Conclusion: henke37 just wrote a 7-line paragraph about an obvious hoax. Epic fail.by marcan - Hardware
There is no public datasheet. The FOV is about 21.3 degrees to either side (42.6 total) horizontally, and 3/4ths of that vertically.by marcan - Hardware
Nintendo software (Gamecube/Wii) uses a Year 2000 epoch AFAIR, so you've got until Y2K68 for Ninty stuff. Not sure what libogc uses - probably a mix between the two, so it's probably got the Y2K38 bug.by marcan - Offtopic
The encryption appears to be mostly a lot of bullshit tables and random screwing around with the data. There's also an unknown component - the extension appears to have to guess a table index, but it's only three bits and you can check whether it's valid, so it can be brute forced with ease. You can read the Wii side of the code by disassembling any Wii app. The System Menu is hby marcan - Hardware
It's a .tar.gz, which is an archive format. Extract it with your favorite program. If your favorite program is too sucky and doesn't support it, get 7-zip.by marcan - Getting Started
Changing the BT address is a bad solution. You're probably screwed on Windows with the proprietary stacks. On Linux adding hex support is possible by modifying hcid. Even if you do this you still need specific accept support in whatever wiimote driver you are using, since it doesn't quite connect the same way when it's paired.by marcan - Coding
No licensed developers have ever leaked anything to contribute to libogc as far as I know. The stuff I did I wrote from scratch, looking at IOS and the system menu to learn how to interface with the hardware or IOS. I can't vouch for the origin of the code that was there before I came or the stuff written by others. Things like lwbt are open source projects imported into libogc.by marcan - Coding
Interesting. Maybe there's a special command to check for the Bongos. I don't have that game to check, but you could try disassembling it. Alternatively, you could use a GC pad emulator (hardware) to see if there's any special stuff from the game.by marcan - Coding
This really has nothing to do with Wii homebrew.by marcan - Offtopic
The data isn't recorded backwards. That's a retarded myth that never seems to die. It's a lie. Just like every other console protection out there, wii discs are special and include a BCA barcode (part of a physical parameter measurement protection system), a modified data format, and special markers in sectors in the lead-in. There is no way of replicating all of this without alby marcan - Homebrew General
According to YAGCD, the DKongas "work exactly like the standard controllers from the programmers point of view, and even have the same ID". You may be out of luck.by marcan - Coding
It won't pick an IOS that you don't have. If the installer lets you install it, just install it.by marcan - Homebrew General
There are none. "When they're done".by marcan - Homebrew General
"acquire"? Go away.by marcan - The Junkyard
Exactly. Modchips are entirely useless for homebrew now.by marcan - Homebrew General
Calm the hell down. If you install their updates you agree to their rules. It's not like Microsoft or Sony are any better (Sony provides a "homebrew mode", but it's got graphics stuff mutilated). This is a stupid rant thread.by marcan - Homebrew General
Waninkoko released a SNES channel way back with a black banner (the one from the hbc demo). That one was legal.by marcan - Homebrew General