Well... My Wii was bricked, no signal on tv at all... I've bought a new motherboard for Wii, installed it yesterday... But when i turn the Wii on, I only get a black screen (no more 'no signal' problem) The green light goes on, disk drive light blinks blue, but does not stay on, still makes noise Could it be the wi-fi module or bluetooth? Thanks in advanceby bEd0 - FixMii
Thanks a lot, volu. I'll order the modchip in the next few days.. Got all the diagrams at infectus website.. And i'm reading everything i can about the whole proccess... Thanks a lot, will post here when my chip arrives...by bEd0 - FixMii
My Wii serial number starts with LU62, is it a big problem?by bEd0 - FixMii
Thanks a lot for the information, just found out 2 stores shipping to Brazil... Gonna order it from the one which accepts paypal... heheh Another question... What about the Wii Clip V7B - Infectus 2 ? Would it be a good idea, so i wouldnt have to solder the Infectus 2 modship into my wii? Thanks in advance!by bEd0 - FixMii
Oki. Thanks a lot for yout answer, pauloyu. But here in brasil i just cant find this infectus 2... My cousin is going to UK next week, so i wonder if i could find it somewhere on the web, buy it and send to his hotel... Anyway... Is this infectus 2 the only one able to fix it? What about injectus? Or any other modchips? Thanks in advance! Bernardoby bEd0 - FixMii
Hello everyone, first post. I was reading some info in this forum, found out that my Wii has a low level brick (black screen at first), after installed update from Mario Tennis, which was ntsc-u, but my wii is also ntsc-u. I didnt have bootmii installed, unfortunatelly.. My bad. I'm waiting for the weekend to get a GC controller to test savemiifrii, but as i've read from other peopleby bEd0 - FixMii