Is there currently any other way to restore to old nad.bin?by mafiatom - FixMii
I made the Mistake and Updated my WII to Version 4.2e, now my Homebrew Channel and BootMii is gone, bet you know. I have a well saved nand.bin from the Version 4.1e with erverithing working well. No ist there any thing i can do, to restore the well saved nand.bin in order to get my old System situation back? The thing a have is a Channel Forwarder witch will execute a bool.dol in the appby mafiatom - FixMii
Hi all, i made the mistake to update the WII with well installed BootMii, Boot2, Homebrew Channel.... to the new WII Version 4.2e. As you allready know, the Version 4.2.e deletes the HB, Boot and so on. Now here ist my Question. I have a well saved Nand Backup from right before the Update to 4.2e. Is there any posibility to restore this Nand in order to have the Wii as it was before?by mafiatom - BootMii Beta