Quotebg4545You should be able to send it to Nintendo, just tell them that it happened after a System Update. Also, this is why you shouldn't restore a NAND backup unless you have BootMii as boot2. Thanks for your replym And do you think Nintendo will not know about homebrew?by sherifqwe - FixMii
Actually I bought a new wii just 2 days ago, And I did the following steps with 4.1E 1- Install homebrew channel, Bootmii as IOS and Priiloader 2- Take a Nand backup (I have Nanad and keys files with me till now) 3- Do Fully softmod for my wii and it still 4.1E 4- (bad thing) I got a Nand backup from another wii and restore it on my wii , In this time I did not know about keys issuesby sherifqwe - FixMii