QuotejendaveQuoteArikadoDOOM WADs are nothing to worry about as far as the rules are concerned ;-) Anyways, I've been playing with the WiiDOOM source for a couple days now (I'm trying to use it to get Hexen running) and have also encountered this and a few other very annoying issues. I actually fixed one of them for myself already. Eventually I was thinking about getting in touch wiby Arikado - Homebrew Applications
Got a lot of requests about hd texture. The engine I used doesn't support them and afaik the engines that do all use OpenGL to render them which the Wii does not support. In short: It would be really difficult (if not verging on impossible) to do it. I'm personally not going to do it - sorry.by Arikado - Ideas, requests
QuoteAxelQuotejbc007Savegame Manager MOD, and most other applications can run on an unpatched IOS, so they are still supported. Excuse me, but I believed Savegame Manager MOD does require an IOS with NAND Permissions enabled, which is not found in any latest revision of any IOS, thus it is required to patch an IOS in order to enable them, or downgrading an IOS which you already have installed (by Arikado - Old Announcements
No OpenGL for Wii homebrew. Sorry.by Arikado - Ideas, requests
mdbrim has given you the answer to your problem. Follow his advice; I see no reason to bother myself with reading any prolonged discussion.by Arikado - Homebrew General
QuoteVideogamerI see that the on the main Wiibrew page it is recommended to get the latest hackmii. I belive you actually, mean the lastest bootmii though, as hackmii is just PC software for Wii interfacing. No. Just No. The HackMii Installer is the software your Wii runs that installs the HBC and BootMii. At this point, I'm bracing myself knowing that whatever comes next will be even moby Arikado - Homebrew General
QuoteRiseAboveDeathIf you painted it, it's like fanart and thats legal. This. The problems with the copyright violations is that people are copy/pasting official art from videogames into the themes. If you make the art yourself though, it's all good and legal :)by Arikado - Homebrew Applications
I've released version 0.5 of my port of Heretic to Wii. The changelog is as follows: * USB Support * GC Controller Support * Classic Controller Support * Wiimote and Nunchuk controls rewritten to take advantage of the Wiimotes IR * Fixed saving and loading * Other various bug fixes and tweaks If you're kind enough to do so, you can donate here:by Arikado - Homebrew Applications
I'm working on this too - Right now I'm trying settings the irqs to zero (essentially killing IOS) and using powerpc to access the NAND filesystem. Although, I really haven't put much time into yet...by Arikado - Coding
QuotereroshaggySo Arikado any way we can try out ur Heretic? Euhm .... It's been out here for almost a week now Also, I'll give your previous post a proper response later ...by Arikado - Ideas, requests
Try moving: free(bufPtr); To just before your return statement. In other words, try making it the last line of code executed before the return.by Arikado - Coding
It's probably this line in main: IOS_ReloadIOS(36); Try changing it to a different IOS (like 58) or having it reload the IOS that was loaded when the app began.by Arikado - Coding
QuoteWeegeeWell then I guess I didn't place it on my SD card correctly. I followed all of the instructions on this page, and it didn't work no matter how many different ways I tried it (I tried 3 different ways)... There aren't three different way. There is only one way: sd:/apps/afolder/boot.dol If that is not your path, it will not work.by Arikado - Homebrew General
Going off of what dacotaco said; Myself and other developers are indeed working on developing new tools which do everything the old tools did without patching IOSs. Example: Installing content with any vanilla IOSs, a savegame manager that runs on all vanilla IOSs, priiloader installtion any of the vanilla IOSs. So don't think that some functions of homebrew will be forbidden here foreverby Arikado - Old Announcements
jbc007: I wrote that overlooking that there are very old vanilla IOSs in existence that had the trucha bug, ES_Identify, and NAND permissions in them. To that end, I redact my comment. Discussion of Savgame Manager MOD and Priiloder will only be allowed if discussion does not advise users to patch their IOSs. Thank you for catching my mistake.by Arikado - Old Announcements
Savegame Extractor, Savegame Installer, Savegame Manager, and Savegame Manager MOD all require a patched IOS to be used. So they are no longer supported by WiiBrew.by Arikado - Homebrew General
See the source code to LoadMii.by Arikado - Coding
Under the new rule (I'm quoting myself here): "Any application which requires a patched IOS to use or which grants users functionality to patch IOSs will be strictly prohibited throughout the WiiBrew Forum." Since DOP-Mii requires a patched IOS to use, it is (as sad as I am to say it) strictly prohibited from discussion within the WiiBrew Forums.by Arikado - Old Announcements
I'm not usually excessively mean, but aidan, you are truly a complete moron. I am now banning you permanently from our forum for the 4th time as you have repeatedly shown (all 4 times mind you) complete disregard for our forum rules and complete disregard for your etiquette towards other users. While this topic is merely just a perfect example of your utter stupidity; Your DEMANDING ALL CAPSby Arikado - Getting Started
QuoteHokiemanand if you dont have bootmii it just freezes your wii and your wii light blinks HBC 1.0.7+ requires the installtion of BootMii IOS when it is installed.by Arikado - Getting Started
sakamoto: That was completely uncalled and rather deranged. dancingninja: Please use the report button or PM me instead of wasting your time replying to trolls in the future. Regarding this topic: I think that all that needs to be said has been said. This is a homebrew "scene". There is no ESRB. Perhaps one day, teknecal will add an adult content warning to the HBB or perhaps TT will add an aby Arikado - Homebrew Applications
This discussion is closed due to containing content no longer allowed in the WiiBrew Forums.by Arikado - Getting Started
This discussion has long since overstepped it's bounds.by Arikado - Getting Started
IIRC, Galaxy 2 doesn't have System Menu 4.3 on it so you should be able to use Bannerbomb.by Arikado - Getting Started
With the release of the new 1.0.8 Homebrew Channel, WiiBrew has updated it's policy to exclude use and discussion of all patched IOSs also known as cIOSs. Our forum rules are going to be updated in correspondence with this policy. Starting with this post, all discussion on the WiiBrew Forums regarding the installation and use of IOS patches is strictly prohibited. This will be left toby Arikado - Old Announcements
Basically everything you said I was thinking too (right down to the aiming rant about Q2rev ;-) ). Unfortunately, a few of those complaints can also be applied to Heretic (like the input) since I used some of his code. However, I modified his video code a bit and I'm using my own sound driver via SDL so I don't think there are any problems with my Heretic port beyond the controls (whichby Arikado - Ideas, requests
Actually, by stealing some of his code, I have Heretic running on my Wii now xD Also, I finally tried out his Hexen port, and I can't stand the controls. So I was thinking of modifying it a bit and seeing if I could be a second author to the project. Or, like you said, maybe just finish my port since now I know where I went wrong.by Arikado - Ideas, requests
It's very trivial to get Savegame Manager MOD (Just normal savegame manager won't work) working on the Wii. It doesn't need to be updated. SifJar has kindly explained the process to do so in this thread already.by Arikado - Getting Started