I had to use sudo chmod 777 to gain permissions in Ubuntu. I used the default archive manager in Ubuntu.by nick141 - Wii Linux
I'm using Mikep5 to boot ext2, what is the command to bring up X Server? I tried typing X, this is what happened: /tmp/.X11-unix has suspicious ownership (not root:root), aborting.by nick141 - Wii Linux
Thank you, you have bean a big help. I'm still stuck though, I don't know how to create two partitions in Windows or Linux (Ubuntu Live Disk) and be able to access the second partition.by nick141 - Wii Linux
How am I suposed to load this on the Wii? It freezes up when I try to go to the USB drive.by nick141 - Wii Linux
Does it have to be ext2? I read that the Wii can't write to ext2. It also says my thumb drive is write protected under ext2.by nick141 - Wii Linux
I tried in Ubuntu and gave up, what would the command be if the .img file is on my desktop and I'm extracting it to (G:) in Windows? I have a dd clone. I also found an ext2 manager for Windows. Would it be easier to send the extracted files in a zip?by nick141 - Wii Linux
I need a Windows guide for that.by nick141 - Wii Linux
I have downloaded the Linux folder twice now and the .elf file doesn't find necessary files in the .img file, and when I inspect the .img file on my computer, I get a message saying the file is corrupted. Any ideas on how to fix this? Will the DVD function work on the newer Wii's?by nick141 - Wii Linux