What a pit, it doesn't work. Seems that nuvalo's driver won't work with this version of xserver. But i don't get it why direct rendering was enabled in my situtation described above. Maybe the old xserver was running with the newer version of the mesa lib.by wobu - Wii Linux
thanks i will try this out :) there were no changes in the driver. I was also surprised but XBMC acceptet this direct rendering so i think this will work :)by wobu - Wii Linux
Hello wiibrew community, my goal is to get XBMC runnable under whiite, but i'm not a expert in such stuff and i get caught at this point: "enable Direct Rendering" cause XBMC needs a hardware accelerated openGL support. In the stable package (lenny) i couldn't enable it so i updated to testing package (squeeze). And with following special circumstances it will be activateby wobu - Wii Linux