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[Solved] What would cause an "Exception (Alignment) Occurred!"?

Posted by Piko 
[Solved] What would cause an "Exception (Alignment) Occurred!"?
April 30, 2009 10:08PM
Yeah, I already fixed this bug. I should of found this a lot faster. I was loading data from a corrupted Quake Pak file, and that's why it was an alignment error.

What would cause the Wii to get an "Exception (Alignment) Occurred!" error? I've search google, and I don't think I'm getting the answer. If you have a simple example of how it could happen that would be good too.

Here is a screen shot. Sorry about the quality, my tuner sucks.

Here's the source. If you add the flag -DWIFI_DEBUG, and you have the Wifi debugger patch applied to libogc, you can debug this via wifi. In gdb go "target remote wii's ip:8000" To get the bug simply load either e2m1, or e3m1. If you haven't played quake, you start a new game. Enter any difficulty, then go threw on of the two middle paths after the difficulty portal. Do not enter the far left path, or far right path, those two episodes load correctly. At the emd of those paths will be an exit teleporter that will load the episode.


Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 05/04/2009 12:33AM by Piko.
Re: What would cause an "Exception (Alignment) Occurred!"?
April 30, 2009 10:29PM
Where did you see that exception?
Some homebrew, or a game?
Re: What would cause an "Exception (Alignment) Occurred!"?
April 30, 2009 10:38PM
DSI or ISI exception?
Re: What would cause an "Exception (Alignment) Occurred!"?
April 30, 2009 10:45PM
I'm debugging QuakeGX, and I get an "Exception (Alignment) Occurred!" not DSI, or ISI, an Alignment exception.
Re: What would cause an "Exception (Alignment) Occurred!"?
April 30, 2009 11:09PM
You most likely used a corrupted float pointer. Failing that, you have some other sort of pointer mismangerment. The error is due to acessing data as a type without proper alignment for that type. Given that proper code shouldn't ever place data with bad alignment, you likely screwed up a pointer.
Re: What would cause an "Exception (Alignment) Occurred!"?
April 30, 2009 11:46PM
You most likely used a corrupted float pointer. Failing that, you have some other sort of pointer mismangerment. The error is due to acessing data as a type without proper alignment for that type. Given that proper code shouldn't ever place data with bad alignment, you likely screwed up a pointer.

Thanks, it's most likely a bad floating point, as the crash involves two floating point values. Unfortunately this isn't my code, so it's just a pain trying to figure out what is wrong.
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