2DBoy RAD Framework
June 02, 2009 05:24PM
The guys at 2DBoy (creators of one of my favourite Wii games, World of Goo) have released part of the framework of code they used to create World of Goo.


I've not worked through much of the code yet, but there are some interesting bits and pieces to learn from. The compilation instructions are for windows, and I've only got bits of it to compile on Linux. I've noticed some references to Wii in the code, in particular in the crypto files there's some stub functions.

I couldn't see this posted to the forums already, so I thought I'd ask if anyone else is doing anything interesting with the code, and if anyone has got it to work under devkitPPC?
Re: 2DBoy RAD Framework
June 03, 2009 04:23AM
Nice find!
Rapid Development is the way to go I think. Helps to test and experiment fun games which other people may like to play very quickly, instead of only what the programmer thinks is fun and takes a year to make.

Got it to compile with VS2k8 with no problems following the instructions provided. (Using the latest irrKlang lib also)
Re: 2DBoy RAD Framework
June 03, 2009 08:54AM
Rapid development is also much more fun! I like playing with Box2D in Actionscript 3 using the debug draw rather than creating any graphics. The only problem is stopping yourself playing with your game before you've redone all the graphics and finished it properly.
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