Porting JVM to Wii
July 25, 2009 02:06PM
I was wondering how much of a challenge it would be to port a JVM to the Wii...
I found this [jamvm.sourceforge.net] online, it's designed to be very portable and is primarily designed for PPC, I understand it will still probably be an incredibly difficult task, but would be very nice if it could be done...

Feel free to call me an idiot and explain why it's impossible
Re: Porting JVM to Wii
July 25, 2009 02:23PM
you might need to build an os first since its java dependent, and what would you want to virtualise on the wii...
Re: Porting JVM to Wii
July 25, 2009 04:33PM
you might need to build an os first since its java dependent, and what would you want to virtualise on the wii...

The Java Virtual Machine is the piece of software, that interprets Java Bytecode. It comes along with runable versions of Java default class library. From the perspective of an JAVA application, the JVM is the OS.
Re: Porting JVM to Wii
July 25, 2009 07:21PM
so if i understood correctly, this is java but "emulated" for the wii? if it is that would be interesting
Re: Porting JVM to Wii
August 05, 2009 09:29AM
By what I am guessing he means (since I have dabbled in JVM before) is to port the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) so that someone could create applications using Java instead of dealing with C or C++. Pretty much its like porting a on-the-fly compiler to wii, which would compile and run java applications directly on the wii from the java applications installed.

For more on what the JVM really does and how it works check out [en.wikipedia.org]
Re: Porting JVM to Wii
August 05, 2009 10:25AM
If someone succeed to do that, every wii coder will love him :)
Re: Porting JVM to Wii
August 05, 2009 02:54PM
I agree that would be a nice project for someone to take on although I'm not a very big fan of java. Even if you have a jit java compiler running it will still add a bit of overhead decreasing performance. Also keep in mind a lot of java's libraries will also have to be ported. Say, for instance, you want a 3D accelerated java game? You're back to the point of needing a good opengl implementation for the wii which is where I'm at right now. Wii homebrew would _greatly_ benefit from a decent opengl implementation imho.

Just my .02
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