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[RESOLVED] receive data from a site

Posted by prampa 
[RESOLVED] receive data from a site
November 14, 2009 05:11PM
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to receive data from a site using a my homebrew.
I copied and modified code from an existing example.
If I let the original url, the homebrew gets data correctly (it prints them to video).
If I set my url in the homebrew, I get a error code 404 (the homebrew prints text of the html to video...)
URL is OK, because I tested it manually from firefox (it's a php script who returns the ip address of the connecting client)...
I don't know how show you the code....(copy & paste is ok?). Do you think there is a error in the code? What's else? All sites are availables from wii?

EDIT: The error shows not a tipycal "404 notfnd" as I thought, but "Multiple Choices. The document name you requested could not be found on this server. However, we found documents with names similar to the one you requested.
Available documents:"....
It lists index.html, or index.php for example......I don't understand......
This happenes with firefox, too.
You can test it at www.writingbook.netsons.org/index.html. The normal case is [www.writingbook.netsons.org].

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/27/2009 07:25PM by prampa.
Re: receive data from a site
November 14, 2009 08:33PM
The existing http functions are NOT for conventional uses and the .htaccess file on the server is mucked up beyond intelligence

bushings http functions are way off standards, i alone could only bring in redirecting as chunk decoding still creates bugs as the network libs dont seem to be have been made for conventional browsing
Re: receive data from a site
November 15, 2009 04:37PM
It seems just a problem of redirecting on the server. OK.
But if I try with another path (I tested it on firefox) something returns, but my homebrew crashes (ERROR (SDI) OCCURRED) when I try to print to video the returning html from the web server. Instead, with the original url, it's all right.
Html contains only text and I don't understand the crash.
What's the difference between these two paths?

1) writingbook.netsons.org/provawii.php
2) geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=P&r=J&l=all

Why does the first crash and instead the second is OK (when I print to video the result)?

This is the code: (there are some breaks: the last that I see is 222222 with my url) and these are the hide includes (stdio.h, stdlib.h, gccore.h, wiiuse/wpad.h, network.h, string.h, fat.h)


#define		EFATINIT		-1
#define		ENETINIT		-2

#define		MAX_GAME_COUNT	250
#define		MAX_NAME_LENGTH	70

// Colors
#define		BLACK_FG		30
#define		BLACK_BG		40
#define		RED_FG			31
#define		RED_BG			41
#define		GREEN_FG		32
#define		GREEN_BG		42
#define		YELLOW_FG		33
#define		YELLOW_BG		43
#define		BLUE_FG			34
#define		BLUE_BG			44
#define		MAGENTA_FG		35
#define		MAGENTA_BG		45
#define		CYAN_FG			36
#define		CYAN_BG			46
#define		WHITE_FG		37
#define		WHILTE_BG		47

// Text Styles
#define		RESET_TEXT		0
#define		BRIGHT_TEXT		1
#define		DIM_TEXT		2
#define		BLINKING_TEXT	4
#define		REVERSE_TEXT	5
#define		HIDDEN_TEXT		6

static void *xfb = NULL;
static GXRModeObj *rmode = NULL;

int stuff( unsigned int * output ); 

struct httpresponse{
	float  version;
	int    response_code;
	char * text;
	char * date;
	char * modified;
	char * server;
	//size_t content_length;
	int    content_length;
	char * content_type;
	char * charset;

void SetTextInfo( int color_fg , int color_bg , int attribute ) {
//	Params:		color_fg			Foreground Color For Text
//				color_bg			Background Color For Text
//				attribute			Text Style
//	Returns:	None

	printf( "\x1b[%dm" , attribute );
	printf( "\x1b[%dm" , color_fg );
	printf( "\x1b[%dm" , color_bg );

void ClearText( ) {
//	Params:		None
//	Returns:	None

	printf( "\x1b[2J" );

void PrintPositioned( int y , int x , const char * text ) {
//	Params:		y			Y Position for Text
//				x			X Position for Text
//				string		Strig to Print
//	Returns:	None

	printf("\x1b[%d;%dH", y , x );
	printf("%s" , text );

void ExitToLoader( int return_val ) {
//	Params:		return_val	Value to Pass to Exit
//	Return:		None		exits

	printf("\x1b[25;5HThanks for using MegaDownloader\n");
	exit( return_val );

void WaitForButtonPress() {
//	Params:		None
//	Return:		None

	while(1) {

		// Call WPAD_ScanPads each loop, this reads the latest controller states

		// WPAD_ButtonsDown tells us which buttons were pressed in this loop
		// this is a "one shot" state which will not fire again until the button has been released
		u32 pressed = WPAD_ButtonsDown(0);

		// We return to the launcher application when home is pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_HOME ) ExitToLoader(0);
		// We break the waiting loop with any other buttons
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_A ) break;
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_B ) break;
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_1 ) break;
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_2 ) break;
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_PLUS ) break;
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_MINUS ) break;
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_UP ) break;
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_DOWN ) break;
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_LEFT ) break;
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT ) break;

		// Add check for Reset to return to loader

		// Wait for the next frame

void ShowProgramInfo() {
//	Params:		None
//	Returns:	None

	printf("coded by\n");

void Init() {
//	Params:		None
//	Returns:	None

	// Initialise the video system
	// This function initialises the attached controllers
	// Obtain the preferred video mode from the system
	// This will correspond to the settings in the Wii menu
	rmode = VIDEO_GetPreferredMode(NULL);

	// Allocate memory for the display in the uncached region
	xfb = MEM_K0_TO_K1(SYS_AllocateFramebuffer(rmode));
	// Initialise the console, required for printf
	// Set up the video registers with the chosen mode
	// Tell the video hardware where our display memory is
	// Make the display visible

	// Flush the video register changes to the hardware

	// Wait for Video setup to complete
	if(rmode->viTVMode&VI_NON_INTERLACE) VIDEO_WaitVSync();


	PrintPositioned( 15 , 0 , "Initializing FAT File System..........." );
	if ( !fatInitDefault() ) {
		PrintPositioned( 15 , 45 , "fatInitDefault failed :( \n" );
		ExitToLoader( EFATINIT );
	PrintPositioned( 15 , 45 , "COMPLETE\n" );

	PrintPositioned( 16 , 0 , "Initializing Network..................." );
	char * myIpAddy = (char*)malloc(16 * sizeof(char));
	if (if_config(myIpAddy, NULL, NULL, true)){
		PrintPositioned( 16 , 45 , "Failed to initialize network :( \n" );
		ExitToLoader( ENETINIT );
	PrintPositioned( 16 , 45 , "COMPLETE\n" );

	printf("IP Address: %s\n", myIpAddy);

int GetStringLengthTerminated( char * text , char terminator ) {
//	Params:		text		String to get length of
//				terminator	Character that ends the string
//	Returns:	None

	char * end = strchr( text , terminator );
	int length = end - text;
	return length;

void PrintCharTerminated( char * text , char terminator ) {
//	Params:		text		String to print
//				terminator	Character that ends the string
//	Returns:	None

	char * end = strchr( text , terminator );
	if ( end != NULL ) {
		int length = end - text;
		int i;
		for ( i = 0 ; i < length ; i++ )
			printf("%.1s", text + i );
	} else {
		printf( "%s\n" , text );

void PrintResponse( struct httpresponse response ) {
//	Params:		response	HTTP Response
//	Returns:	None

	printf("\tHTTP/%1.1f %d %s\n", response.version, response.response_code, response.text);
	printf("\t%d bytes long\tModified: %s\n", response.content_length, response.modified);
	printf("\tContent Type: %s; charset %s\n\n", response.content_type, response.charset);

char * GetGameName( char * body ) {
//	Params:		body		Webpage data as char*
//	Returns:	name		Name of Games as char*

	// sets body to the name immediately following the >
	return strchr( body , '>' ) + 1;

char * GetGameLink( char * body , char regionLetter ) {
//	Params:		body		Webpage data as char*
//				region		Region as char
//	Returns:	link		Link of Games as char*

	char div[12] = { 'd','i','v',' ','c','l','a','s','s','=','@','\0' };
	div[10] = regionLetter;
	while( strncmp( body+1 , div , 11 ) != 0 ) {
		body = strchr( body+1 , '<' );
		if ( ( body == NULL ) || ( !strncmp( body+1 , "/HTML" , 5 ) ) )
			return NULL;
	while( strncmp( body+1 , "a href=\"./index.php?c=" , 19 ) != 0 ) {
		body = strchr( body+1 , '<' );
		if ( ( body == NULL ) || ( !strncmp( body+1 , "/HTML" , 5 ) ) )
			return NULL;
	body = body + 23;	// places body at GAMEID
	return body;

char GetGameTypeChar( int category ) {
//	Params:		category	Game Category as Integer
//	Returns:	type		Game Type as Char

	char chidLetter;
	switch ( category ){
		case 1:					// Wii
			chidLetter = 'R';
		case 2:					// WiiWare
			chidLetter = 'W';
		case 3:					// VC Arcade
			chidLetter = 'D';
		case 4:					// Wii Channels
			chidLetter = 'H';
		case 5:					// NES / Famicom
			chidLetter = 'F';
		case 6:					// N64
			chidLetter = 'N';
		case 7:					// Sega Master System
			chidLetter = 'L';
		case 8:					// Genesis / MegaDrive
			chidLetter = 'M';
		case 9:					// NeoGeo
			chidLetter = 'E';
		case 10:				// Commodore
			chidLetter = 'C';
		case 11:				// MSX
			chidLetter = 'X';
		case 12:				// TurboGraFx-16
			chidLetter = 'P';
		case 13:				// TurboGraFx-CD
			chidLetter = 'Q';
			chidLetter = 'R';

	return chidLetter;


char GetGameRegionChar( int region ) {
//	Params:		region	Game Region as Integer
//	Returns:	reg		Game Region as Char

	char regionLetter;
	switch ( region ) {
		case 1:					// NTSC-U
			regionLetter = 'E';
		case 2:					// PAL
			regionLetter = 'P';
		case 3:					// NTSC-J
			regionLetter = 'J';
		case 4:					// other small regions
			regionLetter = 'z';
			regionLetter = 'E';

	return regionLetter;

int DownloadCodes( int game , int type , char * GameList ) {
//	Params:		game		Game to Download Codes For		as Integer
//				type		Game Type of game				as Integer
//				GameList	Game List to return for Showing
//	Returns:	0 for success , negative for failure		as Integer

	PrintPositioned( 26 , 10 , "Downloading Codes\n");

	char * codes = (char*)malloc( 0xFFFFF * sizeof(char) );
	//memset( codes , 0 , 0xFFFFF );
	char chid = GetGameTypeChar( type );

	struct httpresponse response;
	char * url      = (char*)malloc( 40 * sizeof(char) );
	strncpy( url , "geckocodes.org" , 16 );
	char * link = (char*)malloc( 30 * sizeof(char) );
	sprintf( link , "/codes/%c/%s.txt" , chid , &GameList[ game * 2 * MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] );
	char * filepath = link;
	char * hostname = url;
	PrintPositioned( 2 , 0 , "" );
	//printf( "hostname is : %s and filepath is : %s\n" , hostname , filepath );

	// Get host info
	struct hostent *host = net_gethostbyname(hostname);
	struct sockaddr_in server;
	// Create a socket
	int socket = net_socket( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , IPPROTO_IP );
	if ( host == NULL ) {
		printf("host not found at %s :(\n", hostname);
		return -1;
	memset( &server , 0 , sizeof(server) );							// reset server var
	server.sin_family	= AF_INET;									// IPv4
	server.sin_port		= htons(80);								// Port 80
	memcpy( &server.sin_addr , host->h_addr_list[0] , host->h_length );
	if ( net_connect( socket , (struct sockaddr*)&server , sizeof(server) ) ) {
		printf("failed to connect :(\n");
		return -1;
	} else {
		//printf("connected :)\n");

	char * getstring = (char*)malloc( strlen("GET HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") + strlen(filepath) );
	sprintf( getstring , "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" , filepath );
	int len  = strlen( getstring );
	int sent = net_write( socket , getstring , len );
	if ( sent < len )
		printf("sent %d of %d bytes\n", sent, len);
	int bufferlen = 1025;
	char * buf = (char*)malloc( bufferlen );
	unsigned int received = 0;
	int read = 0;
	response.text = (char*)malloc( sizeof(char) * 32 );
	char * filename = (char*)malloc( 50 * sizeof(char) );
	strncpy( filename , "sd:/txtcodes/" , 14 );
	strncat( filename , &GameList[ ( game * 2 * MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) + MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] , GetStringLengthTerminated( &GameList[ ( game * 2 * MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) + MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] , '[' ) - 1 );
	strncat( filename , ".txt" , 5 );
	FILE * fp = fopen( filename , "w" );
	char * line = (char*)malloc( bufferlen );
	char * linebegin;
	char * lineend;
	char dataStarted = 0;
	int headerlength = 0;

	while( (read = net_read( socket , buf , bufferlen - 1 ) ) > 0 ) {
		buf[read] = '\0';		// NULL TERMINATE AMOUNT READ
		linebegin = buf;
		while( (lineend = strchr( linebegin , '\n' ) ) != NULL ) {
			memset( line , '\0' , 1025 );
			strncpy( line , linebegin , lineend - linebegin );
			if ( !dataStarted ) {
				if ( !strncmp( line , "HTTP/" , 5 ) ) {
					sscanf( line , "HTTP/%f %d %s\n" , &(response.version) , &(response.response_code) , response.text );
				} else if ( !strncmp( line , "Content-Length" , 14 ) ) {
					sscanf( line , "Content-Length: %d", &(response.content_length) );
				} else if ( !strncmp( line , "Content-Type" , 12 ) ) {
					char * space = strchr( line  , ' ' );
					char * sc    = strchr( space , ';' );
					char * eq    = strchr( sc    , '=' );
					response.content_type = strndup( ( space + 1 ) , sc - space - 1 );
					response.charset      = strndup( ( eq + 1 ) ,  lineend - eq - 1 );
				} else if ( !strncmp( line , "Last-Modified" , 13 ) ) {
					char * space = strchr( line , ' ' );
					response.modified = strndup( space , lineend - space );
				} else if ( !strcmp( line , "\r" ) ) {
					//printf("end of http header\n");
					dataStarted = 1;
					headerlength = lineend - buf + 1;
			} else {
				fprintf( fp , "%s\n" , line );
				strncat( codes , line , 0xfff );
			linebegin = lineend + 1;
		received += read;
	received -= headerlength;


	//PrintResponse( response );

	fclose( fp );
	//if ( read == 0 )
	//	printf( "Reached EOF\n" );
	if ( read == -1 )
		printf( "Read Error\n" );
	net_close( socket );

	printf("Codes copied to file\n");


	return 0;

int GetGameList( int category , int region , char * GameList ) {
//	Params:		category	Game Category as Integer
//				region		Game Region	  as Integer
//				GameList	Game List to return for Showing
//	Returns:	number of games success , negative for failure	as Integer

	PrintPositioned( 26 , 10 , "Retrieving Game List\n");

	char chidLetter , regionLetter;
	chidLetter		= GetGameTypeChar( category );
	regionLetter	= GetGameRegionChar( region );

	char * page       = (char*)malloc( 0xFFFFF * sizeof(char) );
	struct httpresponse response;
	char * url        = (char*)malloc( 40 * sizeof(char) );
	strncpy( url , "geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=" , 31 );
	char * chid       = (char*)malloc(  2 * sizeof(char) );
	sprintf( chid , "%c" , chidLetter );
	strcat( url , chid );
	const char * re   = "&r=";
	strcat( url , re );
	char * reg        = (char*)malloc(  2 * sizeof(char) );
	sprintf( reg  , "%c" , regionLetter );
	strcat( url , reg );
	const char * wild = "&l=all";
	strcat( url , wild );
	char * filepath =  strchr( url , '/' );
	char * hostname = strndup( url , filepath - url );
	printf( "hostname is : %s and filepath is : %s\n" , hostname , filepath );
		printf("blooca :(\n");

	// Get host info
	struct hostent *host = net_gethostbyname(hostname);
	struct sockaddr_in server;
	// Create a socket
	int socket = net_socket( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , IPPROTO_IP );
	if ( host == NULL ) {
		printf("host not found at %s :(\n", hostname);
		return -1;

	memset( &server , 0 , sizeof(server) );							// reset server var
	server.sin_family	= AF_INET;									// IPv4
	server.sin_port		= htons(80);								// Port 80
	memcpy( &server.sin_addr , host->h_addr_list[0] , host->h_length );
	if ( net_connect( socket , (struct sockaddr*)&server , sizeof(server) ) ) {
		printf("failed to connect :(\n");
		return -1;
	} else {
		//printf("connected :)\n");

	char * getstring = (char*)malloc( strlen("GET HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") + strlen(filepath) );
	sprintf( getstring , "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" , filepath );
	int len  = strlen( getstring );
	int sent = net_write( socket , getstring , len );
	if ( sent < len )
		printf("sent %d of %d bytes\n", sent, len);
	int bufferlen = 1025;
	char * buf = (char*)malloc( bufferlen );
	unsigned int received = 0;
	int read = 0;
	response.text = (char*)malloc( sizeof(char) * 32 );
	FILE * fp = fopen( "sd:/temp.txt" , "w" );
	char * line = (char*)malloc( bufferlen );
	char * linebegin;
	char * lineend;
	char dataStarted = 0;
	int headerlength = 0;

	while( (read = net_read( socket , buf , bufferlen - 1 ) ) > 0 ) {
		buf[read] = '\0';		// NULL TERMINATE AMOUNT READ
		linebegin = buf;
		while( (lineend = strchr( linebegin , '\n' ) ) != NULL ) {
			memset( line , '\0' , 1025 );
			strncpy( line , linebegin , lineend - linebegin );
			printf("riga %s = ", line);
			if ( !dataStarted ) {
				if ( !strncmp( line , "HTTP/" , 5 ) ) {
					sscanf( line , "HTTP/%f %d %s\n" , &(response.version) , &(response.response_code) , response.text );
				} else if ( !strncmp( line , "Content-Length" , 14 ) ) {
					sscanf( line , "Content-Length: %d", &(response.content_length) );
				} else if ( !strncmp( line , "Content-Type" , 12 ) ) {
					char * space = strchr( line  , ' ' );
					char * sc    = strchr( space , ';' );
					char * eq    = strchr( sc    , '=' );
					response.content_type = strndup( ( space + 1 ) , sc - space - 1 );
					response.charset      = strndup( ( eq + 1 ) ,  lineend - eq - 1 );
				} else if ( !strncmp( line , "Last-Modified" , 13 ) ) {
					char * space = strchr( line , ' ' );
					response.modified = strndup( space , lineend - space );
				} else if ( !strcmp( line , "\r" ) ) {
					//printf("end of http header\n");
					dataStarted = 1;
					headerlength = lineend - buf + 1;
			} else {
//				fprintf( fp , "%s\n" , line );
				strncat( page , line , 1025 );
			linebegin = lineend + 1;
		received += read;
	received -= headerlength;

	fclose( fp );
	//PrintResponse( response );
	PrintPositioned( 26 , 10 , "FINE ESTRAZIONE\n");
	//if ( read == 0 )
	//	printf( "Reached EOF\n" );
	if ( read == -1 )
		printf( "Read Error\n" );
	net_close( socket );

	// Set body as placeholder in page string
	char * body = page;

	// Set body to  or 
	while( ( strncmp( body+1 , "BODY" , 4 ) != 0 ) && ( strncmp( body+1 , "body" , 4 ) != 0 ) ) {
		body = strchr( body+1 , '<' );
		if ( body == NULL ){
			return -1;

	// Loop to get start of titles
	while( strncmp( body+1 , "div class=title" , 15 ) != 0 ) {
		body = strchr( body+1 , '<' );
		if ( ( body == NULL ) || ( strncmp( body + 1 , "/HTML" , 5 ) == 0 ) ){
			return -2;

	int gameCount = 0;
	int terminated = 0;
	// Loop to get Link and Name for the Games List
	while( body != NULL ){
		body = GetGameLink( body , regionLetter );
		if ( body == NULL ) break;
		terminated = GetStringLengthTerminated( body , '"' );
		strncpy( &GameList[ (gameCount * MAX_NAME_LENGTH * 2) + (0 * MAX_NAME_LENGTH) + 0] , body , terminated );
		body = GetGameName( body );
		terminated = GetStringLengthTerminated( body , '<' );
		strncpy( &GameList[ (gameCount * MAX_NAME_LENGTH * 2) + (1 * MAX_NAME_LENGTH) + 0] , body , terminated );


	return gameCount;

int ShowGameList( int count , char * GameList) {
//	Params:		count		Number of Games in List
//				GameList	List of Games and Links
//	Returns:	game		Game to Download Codes For

	char * game;
	int i;
	int page = 0;
	int totalpages = count / 20;
	int pos = 1;
	int oldpos = 1;
	int max = 20;
	if ( count < 20 ) max = count;

	ClearText( );

		oldpos = pos;

		// Call WPAD_ScanPads each loop, this reads the latest controller states

		// WPAD_ButtonsDown tells us which buttons were pressed in this loop
		// this is a "one shot" state which will not fire again until the button has been released
		u32 pressed = WPAD_ButtonsDown(0);

		// We return to the launcher application when home is pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_HOME  ) ExitToLoader(0);
		// Increase pos if down   pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_DOWN  ) pos++;
		// Increase pos if up     pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_UP    ) pos--;
		// Increase page if right pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT ) { page++; pos = 1; ClearText(); }
		// Increase page if left  pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_LEFT  ) { page--; pos = 1; ClearText(); }
		// Return selection if A  pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_A     ) return ( 20 * page ) + ( pos - 1 );

		if ( page < 0  ) page = 0;
		if ( page > totalpages ) page = totalpages;

		if ( page == totalpages )
			max = count % 20;
			max = 20;

		if ( pos < 1   ) pos = 1;
		if ( pos > max ) pos = max;

		PrintPositioned( 2 , 0 , "Choose a game:\n\n" );
		for ( i = 0 ; i < max ; i++ ){
			game = &GameList[ ( 20 * page * 2 * MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) + ( i * 2 * MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) + ( 1 * MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) ];
			PrintPositioned( i + 4 , 4 , game );
		PrintPositioned( oldpos + 3 , 1 , " " );
		PrintPositioned( pos    + 3 , 1 , ">" );

		PrintPositioned( 26         , 1 , "Page " );
		printf("%d of %d\n", page + 1 , totalpages + 1 );


int ShowGameRegionMenu() {
//	Params:		None
//	Returns:	Region as Integer

	int pos = 1;
	int oldpos = 1;

	ClearText( );

		oldpos = pos;

		// Call WPAD_ScanPads each loop, this reads the latest controller states

		// WPAD_ButtonsDown tells us which buttons were pressed in this loop
		// this is a "one shot" state which will not fire again until the button has been released
		u32 pressed = WPAD_ButtonsDown(0);

		// We return to the launcher application when home is pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_HOME ) ExitToLoader(0);
		// Increase pos if down  pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_DOWN ) pos++;
		// Increase pos if up    pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_UP   ) pos--;
		// Return selection if A pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_A    ) return pos;

		if ( pos < 1 ) pos = 1;
		if ( pos > 4 ) pos = 4;

		PrintPositioned( 2 , 0 , "Choose a game region:\n\n" );
		PrintPositioned( 4 , 4 , "NTSC-U\n");
		PrintPositioned( 5 , 4 , "PAL\n" );
		PrintPositioned( 6 , 4 , "NTSC-J\n" );
		PrintPositioned( 7 , 4 , "other small regions\n" );
		PrintPositioned( oldpos + 3 , 1 , " " );
		PrintPositioned( pos    + 3 , 1 , ">" );


int ShowVCMenu() {
//	Params:		None
//	Returns:	Type as Integer

	int pos = 1;
	int oldpos = 1;

	ClearText( );

		oldpos = pos;

		// Call WPAD_ScanPads each loop, this reads the latest controller states

		// WPAD_ButtonsDown tells us which buttons were pressed in this loop
		// this is a "one shot" state which will not fire again until the button has been released
		u32 pressed = WPAD_ButtonsDown(0);

		// We return to the launcher application when home is pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_HOME ) ExitToLoader(0);
		// Increase pos if down  pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_DOWN ) pos++;
		// Increase pos if up    pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_UP   ) pos--;
		// Return selection if A pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_A    ) return pos + 4;

		if ( pos < 1 ) pos =  1;
		if ( pos > 9 ) pos = 9;

		PrintPositioned(  2 , 0 , "Choose a game type:\n\n" );
		PrintPositioned(  4 , 4 , "NES / Famicom\n");
		PrintPositioned(  5 , 4 , "N64\n" );
		PrintPositioned(  6 , 4 , "Sega Master System\n" );
		PrintPositioned(  7 , 4 , "Genesis / MegaDrive\n" );
		PrintPositioned(  8 , 4 , "NeoGeo\n" );
		PrintPositioned(  9 , 4 , "Commodore\n" );
		PrintPositioned( 10 , 4 , "MSX\n" );
		PrintPositioned( 11 , 4 , "TurboGraFx-16\n" );
		PrintPositioned( 12 , 4 , "TurboGraFx-CD\n" );
		PrintPositioned( oldpos + 3 , 1 , " " );
		PrintPositioned( pos    + 3 , 1 , ">" );

int ShowGameTypeMenu() {
//	Params:		None
//	Returns:	Type as Integer

	int pos = 1;
	int oldpos = 1;

	ClearText( );

		oldpos = pos;

		// Call WPAD_ScanPads each loop, this reads the latest controller states

		// WPAD_ButtonsDown tells us which buttons were pressed in this loop
		// this is a "one shot" state which will not fire again until the button has been released
		u32 pressed = WPAD_ButtonsDown(0);

		// We return to the launcher application when home is pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_HOME ) ExitToLoader(0);
		// Increase pos if down  pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_DOWN ) pos++;
		// Increase pos if up    pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_UP   ) pos--;
		// Return selection if A pressed
		if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_A    ) return pos;

		if ( pos < 1 ) pos = 1;
		if ( pos > 4 ) pos = 4;

		PrintPositioned( 2 , 0 , "Choose a game type:\n\n" );
		PrintPositioned( 4 , 4 , "Wii\n");
		PrintPositioned( 5 , 4 , "WiiWare\n" );
		PrintPositioned( 6 , 4 , "VC Arcade\n" );
		PrintPositioned( 7 , 4 , "Wii Channels\n" );
		PrintPositioned( oldpos + 3 , 1 , " " );
		PrintPositioned( pos    + 3 , 1 , ">" );

int getIP(char * GameList ) {

	PrintPositioned( 26 , 10 , "Retrieving Game List\n");

	char * page       = (char*)malloc( 0xFFFFF * sizeof(char) );
	struct httpresponse response;
	char * url        = (char*)malloc( 40 * sizeof(char) );
//	strncpy( url , "writingbook.netsons.org/index.php?wii=A" , 40 );
//	strncpy( url , "writingbook.netsons.org/web/EntryPage_C.php" , 44 );
//	strncpy( url , "geckocodes.org/index.php?chid=P&r=J&l=all" , 42 );
	strncpy( url , "codemii.com" , 12 );

	char * filepath =  strchr( url , '/' );
	char * hostname = strndup( url , filepath - url );
	printf( "hostname is : %s \n" , hostname);
	printf( "filepath is : %s\n" , filepath );
		printf("blooca :(\n");

	// Get host info
	struct hostent *host = net_gethostbyname(hostname);
	struct sockaddr_in server;
	// Create a socket
	int socket = net_socket( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , IPPROTO_IP );
	if ( host == NULL ) {
		printf("host not found at %s :(\n", hostname);
		return -1;

	memset( &server , 0 , sizeof(server) );							// reset server var
	server.sin_family	= AF_INET;									// IPv4
	server.sin_port		= htons(80);								// Port 80
	memcpy( &server.sin_addr , host->h_addr_list[0] , host->h_length );
	if ( net_connect( socket , (struct sockaddr*)&server , sizeof(server) ) ) {
		printf("failed to connect :(\n");
		return -1;
	} else {
		printf("connected :)\n");
	PrintPositioned( 26 , 10 , "1111111\n");

	char * getstring = (char*)malloc( strlen("GET HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") + strlen(filepath) );
	sprintf( getstring , "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" , filepath );
	int len  = strlen( getstring );
	int sent = net_write( socket , getstring , len );
	if ( sent < len )
		printf("sent %d of %d bytes\n", sent, len);
	int bufferlen = 1025;
	char * buf = (char*)malloc( bufferlen );
	unsigned int received = 0;
	int read = 0;
	response.text = (char*)malloc( sizeof(char) * 32 );
	FILE * fp = fopen( "sd:/temp.txt" , "w" );
	char * line = (char*)malloc( bufferlen );
	char * linebegin;
	char * lineend;
	char dataStarted = 0;
	int headerlength = 0;
	PrintPositioned( 26 , 10 , "222222\n");

	while( (read = net_read( socket , buf , bufferlen - 1 ) ) > 0 ) {
		buf[read] = '\0';		// NULL TERMINATE AMOUNT READ
		linebegin = buf;
		while( (lineend = strchr( linebegin , '\n' ) ) != NULL ) {
			memset( line , '\0' , 1025 );
			strncpy( line , linebegin , lineend - linebegin );
			//printf("riga %s = ", line);
			if ( !dataStarted ) {
				if ( !strncmp( line , "HTTP/" , 5 ) ) {
					sscanf( line , "HTTP/%f %d %s\n" , &(response.version) , &(response.response_code) , response.text );
				} else if ( !strncmp( line , "Content-Length" , 14 ) ) {
					sscanf( line , "Content-Length: %d", &(response.content_length) );
				} else if ( !strncmp( line , "Content-Type" , 12 ) ) {
					char * space = strchr( line  , ' ' );
					char * sc    = strchr( space , ';' );
					char * eq    = strchr( sc    , '=' );
					response.content_type = strndup( ( space + 1 ) , sc - space - 1 );
					response.charset      = strndup( ( eq + 1 ) ,  lineend - eq - 1 );
				} else if ( !strncmp( line , "Last-Modified" , 13 ) ) {
					char * space = strchr( line , ' ' );
					response.modified = strndup( space , lineend - space );
				} else if ( !strcmp( line , "\r" ) ) {
					//printf("end of http header\n");
					dataStarted = 1;
					headerlength = lineend - buf + 1;
			} else {
//				fprintf( fp , "%s\n" , line );
				strncat( page , line , 1025 );
			linebegin = lineend + 1;
		received += read;
	received -= headerlength;

	fclose( fp );
	//PrintResponse( response );
	PrintPositioned( 26 , 10 , "FINE ESTRAZIONE\n");
	//if ( read == 0 )
	//	printf( "Reached EOF\n" );
	if ( read == -1 )
		printf( "Read Error\n" );
	net_close( socket );
	// Set body as placeholder in page string
	char * body = page;

	// Set body to  or 
	while( ( strncmp( body+1 , "BODY" , 4 ) != 0 ) && ( strncmp( body+1 , "body" , 4 ) != 0 ) ) {
		body = strchr( body+1 , '<' );
		if ( body == NULL ){
			return -1;

	// Loop to get start of titles
	while( strncmp( body+1 , "div class=title" , 15 ) != 0 ) {
		body = strchr( body+1 , '<' );
		if ( ( body == NULL ) || ( strncmp( body + 1 , "/HTML" , 5 ) == 0 ) ){
			return -2;

	int gameCount = 0;
	int terminated = 0;
	// Loop to get Link and Name for the Games List
	while( body != NULL ){
		body = GetGameLink( body , regionLetter );
		if ( body == NULL ) break;
		terminated = GetStringLengthTerminated( body , '"' );
		strncpy( &GameList[ (gameCount * MAX_NAME_LENGTH * 2) + (0 * MAX_NAME_LENGTH) + 0] , body , terminated );
		body = GetGameName( body );
		terminated = GetStringLengthTerminated( body , '<' );
		strncpy( &GameList[ (gameCount * MAX_NAME_LENGTH * 2) + (1 * MAX_NAME_LENGTH) + 0] , body , terminated );
printf(" pagina %s ", page);

	return 1;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {


	// The console understands VT terminal escape codes
	// This positions the cursor on row 2, column 0
	// we can use variables for this with format codes too
	// e.g. printf ("\x1b[%d;%dH", row, column );
	//unsigned int array[20];
	//int ret = stuff( array );

	PrintPositioned( 20 , 0 , "Press HOME to exit or any other button to continue\n");

	int ret;
//	int type, region;
	int success = 0;

	char * GameList = (char*)malloc( MAX_GAME_COUNT * 2 * MAX_NAME_LENGTH * sizeof(char) );

	while( success == 0){
		memset( GameList , 0 , MAX_GAME_COUNT * 2 * MAX_NAME_LENGTH );
		success = 10;

	// Main Game Loop
		success = 0;
		memset( GameList , 0 , MAX_GAME_COUNT * 2 * MAX_NAME_LENGTH );

		while ( success == 0 ) {
			type = ShowGameTypeMenu();
			if ( type == 3 )
				type = ShowVCMenu();
			region = ShowGameRegionMenu();

			ret = GetGameList( type , region , GameList );
			if ( ret == -1 ){
				PrintPositioned( 27 , 10 , "GetGameList failed :(\n" );
				PrintPositioned( 28 , 10 , "No  found\n" );
			while ( ret == -2 ){
				//PrintPositioned( 27 , 10 , "GetGameList failed :(\n" );
				//PrintPositioned( 28 , 10 , "No 
found\n" ); //WaitForButtonPress(); ret = GetGameList( type , region , GameList ); } if ( ret == 0 ){ success = 1; PrintPositioned( 27 , 10 , "No games found :(\n" ); WaitForButtonPress(); } if ( ret > 0 ){ ret = ShowGameList( ret , GameList ); success = 1; ret = DownloadCodes( ret , type , GameList ); PrintPositioned( 27 , 10 , "Code Downloaded. Press A to download another.\n" ); PrintPositioned( 28 , 10 , "Press HOME to exit.\n" ); } } } */ free(GameList); return 0; }

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 11/15/2009 08:33PM by prampa.
Re: receive data from a site
November 16, 2009 09:02PM
ever heard of HTTP 2.0, it means redirects need to be followed, (in fact i think its in http 1.0) also, in the redirect url add http:// to the front and also there seems to be no checks for additional redirects in your code

furthermore, you cannot rely on http 1.0 as almost every server in existence will transmit http 2 to a http 1 client causing crashes and bugs (almost all except google)
Re: receive data from a site
November 17, 2009 09:16PM
I apologyze, but I don't understand. I tried to modify the code but... nothing....homework crashes. Can you show me the right way, please? Where is the error? How can I modify the code to resolve?
I'd like to execute a script server side (for example php) then get and parse the result from my homework.
I saw some examples: they execute a script server side, read and parse the html generated on the server in their client script (homework inside the wii). They parse the returned document html by tags, generally css class/div, and they build a list of values to print to video. Is there a different way to do it?
Thank for the cooperation.
Re: receive data from a site
November 18, 2009 01:21PM
There is just one slight problem with your claim, there is no http 2.0 servers out. And no client either. I don't even think they have written the RFC for it. And no sane http server will upgrade the connection without the client requesting it. Or in short, I think that you don't know what you are talking about.
Re: receive data from a site
November 20, 2009 03:30PM
I'd guess he means HTTP1.1. That aside, I was experimenting with this a week or two ago and it didn't quite work as I'd expect. For some reason, the GET/POST needs to have an absolute URL when dealing with shared hosting (most servers), even when specifying HTTP1.1 and a host.
Give that a shot.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2009 03:36PM by PhoenixTank.
Re: receive data from a site
November 21, 2009 10:53AM
I'm sorry but....nothing to do....I'm not able to work my homework: it still crashes!
I put an absolute url in the GET method, too.
If i try the url on firefox, it works fine.
Could you show me a correct example, please?
Re: receive data from a site
November 22, 2009 06:04PM
Could the dump depends on a wrong version of any library? Or similar things?
Because I tried other code and it doesn'k work, too.....each time even the same error....I don't be able to download data from a url.....
Re: receive data from a site
November 24, 2009 10:09PM
I'd guess he means HTTP1.1.
i did mean 2.0, some servers use a non-existent protocol which somehow fits into http 1.1 and thus break some apps, but i could have meant 1.1 as well as that had backward compatibility issues as well
Re: receive data from a site
November 25, 2009 07:54PM
I thank everyone for the cooperation.
Could someone test this link "writingbook.netsons.org/provawii.php" from a homebrew and tell me what returns, please? I'd like to understand about it.
I don't believe that it can be so difficult.
Re: receive data from a site
November 27, 2009 01:17AM
my code should in theory retrieve the html as is but my lib is heavily modified, slow and buggy == no release, so you will just have to wait till we create standards
Re: [RESOLVED] receive data from a site
November 27, 2009 07:42PM
I have resolved! I don't know how, but now my homework works so fine!!. My homework connects itself to a server, executes a script php server side, parses and prints to video the returning text.
I returned xml now, but I don't understand very well why it works now.
I'm doing other tests and I'll show you my progresses as soon as possible.
Thank everyone
Re: [RESOLVED] receive data from a site
November 28, 2009 11:07AM
I used fmylife apps (fMyLife) and adapted it to my scope.
I'm not be able to understand the difference between this and the others examples, but...I keep this because it works!!!!
Thanks a lot to everyone!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/28/2009 11:08AM by prampa.
Re: receive data from a site
November 29, 2009 03:09AM
I'd guess he means HTTP1.1.
i did mean 2.0, some servers use a non-existent protocol which somehow fits into http 1.1 and thus break some apps, but i could have meant 1.1 as well as that had backward compatibility issues as well

Please refrain from posting on the forums if you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Re: receive data from a site
November 29, 2009 12:54PM
I'd guess he means HTTP1.1.
i did mean 2.0, some servers use a non-existent protocol which somehow fits into http 1.1 and thus break some apps, but i could have meant 1.1 as well as that had backward compatibility issues as well

Please refrain from posting on the forums if you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
sorry but i had looked it up, some servers do for some reason force the non-existant http 2.0 and it needs to be accounted for, some servers will even force http 1.1 even if the client is http <1.1
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