Fail in pngu with gx June 03, 2010 03:10PM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 25 |
#include "functions.h" extern int luaopen_Sound(lua_State *l); extern int luaopen_Image(lua_State *l); extern int luaopen_System(lua_State *l); extern int luaopen_Screen(lua_State *l); extern int luaopen_Controls(lua_State *l); int main() { InitVideo(); InitOthers(); while(1) { l = lua_open(); luaL_openlibs(l); luaopen_Screen(l); luaopen_System(l); luaopen_Image(l); luaopen_Sound(l); luaopen_Controls(l); GX_SetViewport(0,0,rmode->fbWidth,rmode->efbHeight,0,1); int s = luaL_loadfile(l, "script.lua"); if (s == 0) { s = lua_pcall(l, 0, 0, 0); } while (s) { StopGX(); screenCoorPrintf(2, 2,"error: %s\n", lua_tostring(l, -1)); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); lua_pop(l, 1); // remove error message } lua_close(l); resetVideo(); } return 0; }
#include "functions.h" static void *xfb[2] = {NULL, NULL}; GXRModeObj *rmode; f32 yscale; u32 xfbHeight; Mtx view; Mtx44 perspective; u32 fb = 0; // initial xfb index GXColor background = {0, 0, 0, 0xff}; u8 *data = NULL; void InitVideo() { VIDEO_Init(); rmode = VIDEO_GetPreferredMode(NULL); // allocate 2 framebuffers for double buffering xfb[0] = MEM_K0_TO_K1(SYS_AllocateFramebuffer(rmode)); xfb[1] = MEM_K0_TO_K1(SYS_AllocateFramebuffer(rmode)); VIDEO_Configure(rmode); VIDEO_SetNextFramebuffer(xfb[fb]); VIDEO_SetBlack(FALSE); VIDEO_Flush(); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); if(rmode->viTVMode&VI_NON_INTERLACE) VIDEO_WaitVSync(); // setup the fifo and then init the flipper void *gp_fifo = NULL; gp_fifo = memalign(32,DEFAULT_FIFO_SIZE); memset(gp_fifo,0,DEFAULT_FIFO_SIZE); GX_Init(gp_fifo,DEFAULT_FIFO_SIZE); // clears the bg to color and clears the z buffer GX_SetCopyClear(background, 0x00ffffff); // other gx setup GX_SetViewport(0,0,rmode->fbWidth,rmode->efbHeight,0,1); yscale = GX_GetYScaleFactor(rmode->efbHeight,rmode->xfbHeight); xfbHeight = GX_SetDispCopyYScale(yscale); GX_SetScissor(0,0,rmode->fbWidth,rmode->efbHeight); GX_SetDispCopySrc(0,0,rmode->fbWidth,rmode->efbHeight); GX_SetDispCopyDst(rmode->fbWidth,xfbHeight); GX_SetCopyFilter(rmode->aa,rmode->sample_pattern,GX_TRUE,rmode->vfilter); GX_SetFieldMode(rmode->field_rendering,((rmode->viHeight==2*rmode->xfbHeight)?GX_ENABLE:GX_DISABLE)); GX_SetCullMode(GX_CULL_NONE); GX_CopyDisp(xfb[fb],GX_TRUE); GX_SetDispCopyGamma(GX_GM_1_0); // setup our camera at the origin // looking down the -z axis with y up guVector cam = {0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F}, up = {0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F}, look = {0.0F, 0.0F, -1.0F}; guLookAt(view, &cam, &up, &look); // setup our projection matrix // this creates a perspective matrix with a view angle of 90, // and aspect ratio based on the display resolution f32 w = rmode->viWidth; f32 h = rmode->viHeight; guPerspective(perspective, 45, (f32)w/h, 0.1F, 300.0F); GX_LoadProjectionMtx(perspective, GX_PERSPECTIVE); } GXTexObj texObj; void DrawImg(f32 xpos, f32 ypos, u16 width, u16 height, u8 data[], f32 degrees, f32 scaleX, f32 scaleY, u8 alpha) { GX_InvalidateTexAll(); GX_InitTexObj(&texObj, data, width,height, GX_TF_RGBA8,GX_CLAMP, GX_CLAMP,GX_FALSE); GX_LoadTexObj(&texObj, GX_TEXMAP0); GX_SetTevOp (GX_TEVSTAGE0, GX_MODULATE); GX_SetVtxDesc (GX_VA_TEX0, GX_DIRECT); Mtx m,m1,m2, mv; width *=.5; height*=.5; guMtxIdentity (m1); guMtxScaleApply(m1,m1,scaleX,scaleY,1.0); guVector axis = (guVector) {0 , 0, 1 }; guMtxRotAxisDeg (m2, &axis, degrees); guMtxConcat(m2,m1,m); guMtxTransApply(m,m, xpos+width,ypos+height,0); guMtxConcat (view, m, mv); GX_LoadPosMtxImm (mv, GX_PNMTX0); GX_Begin(GX_QUADS, GX_VTXFMT0,4); GX_Position3f32(-width, -height, 0); GX_Color4u8(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,alpha); GX_TexCoord2f32(0, 0); GX_Position3f32(width, -height, 0); GX_Color4u8(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,alpha); GX_TexCoord2f32(1, 0); GX_Position3f32(width, height, 0); GX_Color4u8(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,alpha); GX_TexCoord2f32(1, 1); GX_Position3f32(-width, height, 0); GX_Color4u8(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,alpha); GX_TexCoord2f32(0, 1); GX_End(); GX_LoadPosMtxImm (view, GX_PNMTX0); GX_SetTevOp (GX_TEVSTAGE0, GX_PASSCLR); GX_SetVtxDesc (GX_VA_TEX0, GX_NONE); } void StopGX() { GX_AbortFrame(); GX_Flush(); VIDEO_SetBlack(TRUE); VIDEO_Flush(); console_init(xfb[0], 20, 64, rmode->fbWidth, rmode->xfbHeight, rmode->fbWidth * 2); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); } void resetVideo() { GX_DrawDone(); // Tell the GX engine we are done drawing GX_InvalidateTexAll(); fb ^= 1; // Toggle framebuffer index GX_SetZMode (GX_TRUE, GX_LEQUAL, GX_TRUE); GX_SetColorUpdate(GX_TRUE); GX_CopyDisp (xfb[fb], GX_TRUE); VIDEO_SetNextFramebuffer(xfb[fb]); // Select eXternal Frame Buffer VIDEO_Flush(); // Flush video buffer to screen VIDEO_WaitVSync(); // Wait for screen to update // Interlaced screens require two frames to update if (rmode->viTVMode &VI_NON_INTERLACE) VIDEO_WaitVSync(); } void InitOthers() { ASND_Init(); MP3Player_Init(); fatInitDefault(); } fatInitDefault(); }
#define DEFAULT_FIFO_SIZE (256*1024) static void *xfb[2]; GXRModeObj *rmode; f32 yscale; u32 xfbHeight; Mtx view; Mtx44 perspective; u32 fb; // initial framebuffer index GXColor background; u8 *data; void InitVideo(); void InitOthers(); void Menu_DrawImg(f32 xpos, f32 ypos, u16 width, u16 height, u8 data[], f32 degrees, f32 scaleX, f32 scaleY, u8 alpha); void resetVideo(); void StopGX();
#include "../functions.h" //jpeg JPEGIMG jpeg; int fila, columna, pixeldoble, offset; unsigned int *jpegout; FILE *JPG; int jpeglSize; char *jpegbuffer; size_t jpegresult; //Png PNGUPROP imgProp; IMGCTX ctx; static int lua_imagePngLoad(lua_State *l) { if (lua_gettop(l) != 3) return luaL_error(l, "wrong number of arguments"); const char *file = luaL_checkstring(l, 1); int x1 = luaL_checkint(l, 2); int y1 = luaL_checkint(l, 3); ctx = PNGU_SelectImageFromDevice(file); int res = PNGU_GetImageProperties(ctx, &imgProp); if(res == PNGU_OK) { int len = imgProp.imgWidth * imgProp.imgHeight * 4; if(len%32) len += (32-len%32); data = (u8 *)memalign (32, len); if(data) { res = PNGU_DecodeTo4x4RGBA8(ctx, imgProp.imgWidth, imgProp.imgHeight, data, 255); if(res == PNGU_OK) { DCFlushRange(data, len); DrawImg(x1, y1, imgProp.imgWidth, imgProp.imgHeight, data, 0, 1, 1, 255); } else { free(data); data = NULL; } } } PNGU_ReleaseImageContext (ctx); return 1; } static int lua_imagePngSave(lua_State *l) { if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) return luaL_error(l, "wrong number of arguments"); const char *file = luaL_checkstring(l, 1); ctx = PNGU_SelectImageFromDevice(file); PNGU_EncodeFromYCbYCr(ctx, 640, 480, xfb[fb], 0); PNGU_ReleaseImageContext(ctx); return 1; } u32 *jpegfb; static int lua_imageJpegLoad(lua_State *l) { if (lua_gettop(l) != 3) return luaL_error(l, "wrong number of arguments"); const char *file = luaL_checkstring(l, 1); int x1 = luaL_checkint(l, 2); int y1 = luaL_checkint(l, 3); JPG = fopen(file, "rb"); fseek(JPG , 0 , SEEK_END); jpeglSize = ftell(JPG); rewind(JPG); jpegbuffer = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char)*jpeglSize); jpegresult = fread(jpegbuffer,1,jpeglSize,JPG); fclose(JPG); memset(&jpeg, 0, sizeof(JPEGIMG)); jpeg.inbuffer = jpegbuffer; jpeg.inbufferlength = jpeglSize; JPEG_Decompress(&jpeg); jpegout = (unsigned int *) jpeg.outbuffer; offset = 0; int i,j; int heightjpeg = jpeg.height; int widthjpeg = jpeg.width/2; for(i=0;i<=widthjpeg;i++) { for(j=0;j<=heightjpeg-2;j++) { jpegfb[(i+x1)+320*(j+16+y1)]=jpegout[i+widthjpeg*j]; } } free(jpeg.outbuffer); data=jpegfb; DCFlushRange(data, jpeglSize); Menu_DrawImg(x1, y1, widthjpeg, heightjpeg, data, 0, 1, 1, 255); return 1; } static const struct luaL_reg Image[] = { {"pngLoad",lua_imagePngLoad}, {"pngSave",lua_imagePngSave}, {"jpegLoad",lua_imageJpegLoad}, {NULL, NULL} }; int luaopen_Image(lua_State *l) { luaL_register(l, "Image", Image); return 1; }
Re: Fail in pngu with gx June 03, 2010 08:13PM | Moderator Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 441 |
Re: Fail in pngu with gx June 04, 2010 10:15PM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 25 |
Re: Fail in pngu with gx June 04, 2010 10:53PM | Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 175 |
Re: Fail in pngu with gx June 04, 2010 10:59PM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 25 |
Re: Fail in pngu with gx June 05, 2010 02:57AM | Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 175 |
Use jpeg8a-ppc.tar.bz2 from []Quote
What should I do to show jpg?
Re: Fail in pngu with gx June 05, 2010 03:10PM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 25 |
Re: Fail in pngu with gx June 05, 2010 05:54PM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 444 |
Re: Fail in pngu with gx June 05, 2010 11:33PM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 25 |
Re: Fail in pngu with gx June 07, 2010 11:38AM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 25 |
Re: Fail in pngu with gx June 08, 2010 02:31AM | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 444 |
Re: Fail in pngu with gx June 08, 2010 03:39PM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 25 |
Re: Fail in pngu with gx June 10, 2010 12:24AM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 12 |
Re: Fail in pngu with gx June 10, 2010 11:48AM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 25 |
Re: Fail in pngu with gx June 10, 2010 09:01PM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 25 |
#include#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libpng/pngu/pngu.h" #define DEFAULT_FIFO_SIZE (256*1024) typedef struct tagcamera { guVector pos; guVector up; guVector view; }camera; s16 squares[] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32) = { // x y z -100, 70, 0, // 0 -40, 70, 0, // 1 -40, 10, 0, // 2 -100, 10, 0, // 3 -30, 70, 0, // 0 30, 70, 0, // 1 30, 10, 0, // 2 -30, 10, 0, // 3 40, 70, 0, // 0 100, 70, 0, // 1 100, 10, 0, // 2 40, 10, 0, // 3 -100, -10, 0, // 0 -40, -10, 0, // 1 -40, -70, 0, // 2 -100, -70, 0, // 3 -30, -10, 0, // 0 30, -10, 0, // 1 30, -70, 0, // 2 -30, -70, 0, // 3 40, -10, 0, // 0 100, -10, 0, // 1 100, -70, 0, // 2 40, -70, 0, // 3 }; // color data u8 colors[] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32) = { // r, g, b, a 255, 255, 255, 255, // 0 white 240, 0, 0, 255, // 1 red 255, 180, 0, 255, // 2 orange 255, 255, 0, 255, // 3 yellow 10, 120, 40, 255, // 4 green 0, 20, 100, 255 // 5 blue }; static void *xfb = NULL; static GXRModeObj *rmode = NULL; static u32 do_copy = GX_FALSE; static float rotby=0; GXTexObj texObj1; GXTexObj texObj2; GXTexObj texObj3; GXTexObj texObj4; GXTexObj texObj5; GXTexObj texObj6; camera cam = {{0.0F, 0.0F, 40.0F}, {0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F}, {0.0F, 0.0F, -1.0F}}; void draw_init(); void draw_vert(u8 pos, u8 c, f32 s, f32 t); void draw_square(Mtx v, int start); static void copy_to_xfb(u32 count); void movecamera(float speed); void *texture_data1 = NULL; void *texture_data2 = NULL; void *texture_data3 = NULL; void *texture_data4 = NULL; void *texture_data5 = NULL; void *texture_data6 = NULL; PNGUPROP imgProp; int main() { Mtx v,p; // view and perspective matrices GXColor background = {0, 0, 0, 0xff}; IMGCTX ctx; VIDEO_Init(); WPAD_Init(); // Init video system rmode = VIDEO_GetPreferredMode(NULL); xfb = MEM_K0_TO_K1(SYS_AllocateFramebuffer(rmode)); console_init(xfb,20,20,rmode->fbWidth,rmode->xfbHeight,rmode->fbWidth*VI_DISPLAY_PIX_SZ); VIDEO_Configure(rmode); VIDEO_SetNextFramebuffer(xfb); VIDEO_SetPostRetraceCallback(copy_to_xfb); VIDEO_SetBlack(FALSE); VIDEO_Flush(); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); if(rmode->viTVMode&VI_NON_INTERLACE) VIDEO_WaitVSync(); // Init libfat fatInitDefault (); void *gp_fifo = NULL; gp_fifo = MEM_K0_TO_K1(memalign(32,DEFAULT_FIFO_SIZE)); memset(gp_fifo,0,DEFAULT_FIFO_SIZE); GX_Init(gp_fifo,DEFAULT_FIFO_SIZE); GX_SetCopyClear(background, 0x00ffffff); GX_SetViewport(0,0,rmode->fbWidth,rmode->efbHeight,0,1); GX_SetDispCopyYScale((f32)rmode->xfbHeight/(f32)rmode->efbHeight); GX_SetScissor(0,0,rmode->fbWidth,rmode->efbHeight); GX_SetDispCopySrc(0,0,rmode->fbWidth,rmode->efbHeight); GX_SetDispCopyDst(rmode->fbWidth,rmode->xfbHeight); GX_SetCopyFilter(rmode->aa,rmode->sample_pattern,GX_TRUE,rmode->vfilter); GX_SetFieldMode(rmode->field_rendering,((rmode->viHeight==2*rmode->xfbHeight)?GX_ENABLE:GX_DISABLE)); if (rmode->aa) GX_SetPixelFmt(GX_PF_RGB565_Z16, GX_ZC_LINEAR); else GX_SetPixelFmt(GX_PF_RGB8_Z24, GX_ZC_LINEAR); GX_SetCullMode(GX_CULL_NONE); GX_CopyDisp(xfb,GX_TRUE); GX_SetDispCopyGamma(GX_GM_1_0); guPerspective(p, 60, 1.33F, 10.0F, 1000.0F); GX_LoadProjectionMtx(p, GX_PERSPECTIVE); draw_init(); // Load textures using PNGU ctx = PNGU_SelectImageFromDevice ("textRGB.png"); PNGU_GetImageProperties (ctx, &imgProp); texture_data1 = memalign (32, imgProp.imgWidth * imgProp.imgHeight * 2); GX_InitTexObj (&texObj1, texture_data1, imgProp.imgWidth, imgProp.imgHeight, GX_TF_RGB565, GX_CLAMP, GX_CLAMP, GX_FALSE); PNGU_DecodeTo4x4RGB565 (ctx, imgProp.imgWidth, imgProp.imgHeight, texture_data1); PNGU_ReleaseImageContext (ctx); DCFlushRange (texture_data1, imgProp.imgWidth * imgProp.imgHeight * 2); ctx = PNGU_SelectImageFromDevice ("textRGB.png"); PNGU_GetImageProperties (ctx, &imgProp); texture_data2 = memalign (32, imgProp.imgWidth * imgProp.imgHeight * 2); GX_InitTexObj (&texObj2, texture_data2, imgProp.imgWidth, imgProp.imgHeight, GX_TF_RGB5A3, GX_CLAMP, GX_CLAMP, GX_FALSE); PNGU_DecodeTo4x4RGB5A3 (ctx, imgProp.imgWidth, imgProp.imgHeight, texture_data2, 255); PNGU_ReleaseImageContext (ctx); DCFlushRange (texture_data2, imgProp.imgWidth * imgProp.imgHeight * 2); ctx = PNGU_SelectImageFromDevice ("textRGB.png"); PNGU_GetImageProperties (ctx, &imgProp); texture_data3 = memalign (32, imgProp.imgWidth * imgProp.imgHeight * 4); GX_InitTexObj (&texObj3, texture_data3, imgProp.imgWidth, imgProp.imgHeight, GX_TF_RGBA8, GX_CLAMP, GX_CLAMP, GX_FALSE); PNGU_DecodeTo4x4RGBA8 (ctx, imgProp.imgWidth, imgProp.imgHeight, texture_data3, 255); PNGU_ReleaseImageContext (ctx); DCFlushRange (texture_data3, imgProp.imgWidth * imgProp.imgHeight * 4); ctx = PNGU_SelectImageFromDevice ("textRGBA.png"); PNGU_GetImageProperties (ctx, &imgProp); texture_data4 = memalign (32, imgProp.imgWidth * imgProp.imgHeight * 2); GX_InitTexObj (&texObj4, texture_data4, imgProp.imgWidth, imgProp.imgHeight, GX_TF_RGB565, GX_CLAMP, GX_CLAMP, GX_FALSE); PNGU_DecodeTo4x4RGB565 (ctx, imgProp.imgWidth, imgProp.imgHeight, texture_data4); PNGU_ReleaseImageContext (ctx); DCFlushRange (texture_data4, imgProp.imgWidth * imgProp.imgHeight * 2); ctx = PNGU_SelectImageFromDevice ("textRGBA.png"); PNGU_GetImageProperties (ctx, &imgProp); texture_data5 = memalign (32, imgProp.imgWidth * imgProp.imgHeight * 2); GX_InitTexObj (&texObj5, texture_data5, imgProp.imgWidth, imgProp.imgHeight, GX_TF_RGB5A3, GX_CLAMP, GX_CLAMP, GX_FALSE); PNGU_DecodeTo4x4RGB5A3 (ctx, imgProp.imgWidth, imgProp.imgHeight, texture_data5, 255); PNGU_ReleaseImageContext (ctx); DCFlushRange (texture_data5, imgProp.imgWidth * imgProp.imgHeight * 2); ctx = PNGU_SelectImageFromDevice ("textRGBA.png"); PNGU_GetImageProperties (ctx, &imgProp); texture_data6 = memalign (32, imgProp.imgWidth * imgProp.imgHeight * 4); GX_InitTexObj (&texObj6, texture_data6, imgProp.imgWidth, imgProp.imgHeight, GX_TF_RGBA8, GX_CLAMP, GX_CLAMP, GX_FALSE); PNGU_DecodeTo4x4RGBA8 (ctx, imgProp.imgWidth, imgProp.imgHeight, texture_data6, 255); PNGU_ReleaseImageContext (ctx); DCFlushRange (texture_data6, imgProp.imgWidth * imgProp.imgHeight * 4); while(1) { guLookAt(v, &cam.pos, &cam.up, &cam.view); GX_SetViewport(0,0,rmode->fbWidth,rmode->efbHeight,0,1); GX_InvVtxCache(); GX_InvalidateTexAll(); GX_SetTevOp(GX_TEVSTAGE0, GX_DECAL); GX_SetTevOrder(GX_TEVSTAGE0, GX_TEXCOORD0, GX_TEXMAP0, GX_COLOR0A0); GX_SetNumChans(1); GX_LoadTexObj(&texObj1, GX_TEXMAP0); draw_square(v, 0); GX_LoadTexObj(&texObj2, GX_TEXMAP0); draw_square(v, 4); GX_LoadTexObj(&texObj3, GX_TEXMAP0); draw_square(v, 8); GX_LoadTexObj(&texObj4, GX_TEXMAP0); draw_square(v, 12); GX_LoadTexObj(&texObj5, GX_TEXMAP0); draw_square(v, 16); GX_LoadTexObj(&texObj6, GX_TEXMAP0); draw_square(v, 20); GX_DrawDone(); do_copy = GX_TRUE; WPAD_ScanPads(); u32 pressed = WPAD_ButtonsDown(0); if ( pressed & WPAD_BUTTON_HOME ) exit(0); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); } return 0; } void draw_init() { GX_ClearVtxDesc(); GX_SetVtxDesc(GX_VA_POS, GX_INDEX8); GX_SetVtxDesc(GX_VA_CLR0, GX_INDEX8); GX_SetVtxDesc(GX_VA_TEX0, GX_DIRECT); GX_SetVtxAttrFmt(GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_S16, 0); GX_SetVtxAttrFmt(GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_CLR0, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0); GX_SetVtxAttrFmt(GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0); GX_SetArray(GX_VA_POS, squares, 3*sizeof(s16)); GX_SetArray(GX_VA_CLR0, colors, 4*sizeof(u8)); GX_SetNumTexGens(1); GX_SetTexCoordGen(GX_TEXCOORD0, GX_TG_MTX2x4, GX_TG_TEX0, GX_IDENTITY); GX_InvalidateTexAll(); } void draw_vert(u8 pos, u8 c, f32 s, f32 t) { GX_Position1x8(pos); GX_Color1x8(c); GX_TexCoord2f32(s, t); } void draw_square (Mtx v, int start) { Mtx m; // model matrix. Mtx mv; // modelview matrix. guVector axis = {0,0,1}; guMtxIdentity(m); guMtxRotAxisDeg(m, &axis, rotby); guMtxTransApply(m, m, 0, 0, -100); guMtxConcat(v,m,mv); GX_LoadPosMtxImm(mv, GX_PNMTX0); GX_Begin(GX_QUADS, GX_VTXFMT0, 4); draw_vert(start, 0, 0.0, 0.0); draw_vert(start+1, 0, 1.0, 0.0); draw_vert(start+2, 0, 1.0, 1.0); draw_vert(start+3, 0, 0.0, 1.0); GX_End(); } // copy efb to xfb when ready static void copy_to_xfb(u32 count) { if(do_copy==GX_TRUE) { GX_SetZMode(GX_TRUE, GX_LEQUAL, GX_TRUE); GX_SetColorUpdate(GX_TRUE); GX_CopyDisp(xfb,GX_TRUE); GX_Flush(); do_copy = GX_FALSE; } }