To load ".obj" files I'm trying to use a non supported library from GRRLIB, but is necesary to modify some things.
I managed to compile it but I not tested it yet.
If you are interested, when everything will be working I'll inform you.
GRRLIB sample was not working but the tutorial propossed by owen is really great. I recomend you to follow it, and you can ask me if you have doubts.
I modified the tutorial because I found some cases of vertex descriptions not supported by the Evitroppa algoritm and I made my own 3d library including simplex and composed movements in object groups.
I'm using it for a new 3D game project, but now I found a problem with the collision detection.
Thanks to Owen for the information.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/26/2011 12:39AM by wilco2009.