[Hi, I'm Nebiun.
I'm trying to build a more complete version of Wii Mame to contain *every* drivers of original Mame version 0.135.
I downloaded the sources for version 1.0 of Wii Mame and the sources of Mame version 0.135, combined them togheter and built a complete .dol
The size of the final .dol is too big to run on Wii and homebrew channel simply refuse to see it.
Wii Dolphin Emulator crashes loading the .dol
Then I split it in 4 .dol, grouping drivers to obtain an executable with a size digestible from HC.
All 4 .dol running well on Dolphin, but when I try to run them on a real Wii, all of them crash with the same
error: Exception (alignment) occurred!
Using addr2line for debug, I obtained this:
This is the complete dump:
Exception (Alignment) Occurred!
GPR00 00000000 GPR08 00000498 GPR16 00000000 GPR24 00000001
GPR01 811F7AD0 GPR09 80830000 GPR17 00000000 GPR25 00000000
GPR02 80DD2880 GPR10 815AB214 GPR18 00000000 GPR26 00000002
GPR03 814ED6B0 GPR11 00000000 GPR19 00000000 GPR27 814ED6B0
GPR04 811F7AF0 GPR12 74696D72 GPR20 00000000 GPR28 80D07590
GPR05 8153A270 GPR13 80DD4E60 GPR21 00000000 GPR29 814A6027
GPR06 00000000 GPR14 00000000 GPR22 00000000 GPR30 815CAD88
GPR07 80D07590 GPR15 00000000 GPR23 00000000 GPR31 814A5FC0
LR 80283130 SRR0 80283134 SRR1 0000b032 MSR 00001000
DAR 814A605B DSISR 0000201D
80283134 --> 80283130 --> 80203DDC --> 80201C00 -->
80004348 --> 8001203C --> 80011FEC
Someone have an idea to solve the problem?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/22/2014 05:53PM by nebiun.