So the old version of Box2D on the wiki is
really out of date, so I thought I'd try building it from a newer source so that it'd be compatible with
the manual. You'll need to have CMake installed. Here's a build script; just copy and paste it into your terminal. Make sure you have $DEVKITPRO and $DEVKITPPC set. Good luck! :D
git clone git://
cd Box2D/Build
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$DEVKITPPC/bin/powerpc-eabi-g++ \
make all install
cd $DEVKITPRO/libogc/lib
rm -rf Box2D
mv libBox2D.a wii
In order to use it in your project, just add Box2D to your libraries in the Makefile and include the header wherever you end up using it.
LIBS += -lBox2D
#include <Box2D/Box2D.h>
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/07/2015 08:04PM by tweakdeveloper.