The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 23, 2009 03:40AM
Yes, it's knockoff from the other thread, but without all the fail of GBAfail. =D

Anyways, what if there was an HBC T-Shirt? That would be freakin' awesome.
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 23, 2009 02:38PM
You can take over the world with free t-shirts...
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 23, 2009 07:32PM
Ooh, free t-shirts? That'd be nice.
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 24, 2009 01:03AM
Well, if it wasn't free I wouldn't want one :-P
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 24, 2009 02:09AM
Lol, if it were under $10 bucks, I'd buy it. Maybe twiizers should make some? Whaddya say? :P
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 24, 2009 11:57AM
I wouldnt pay for it either tbh.
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 24, 2009 05:29PM
i get commission cuz i came up with the HBC t-shrit idea

This Post

Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 27, 2009 05:04AM
hmph! i meant to post a response as a shirt with MC's helmet as a watermark behind the words "I *heart* fail in .exe but my brother deleted it.... >.> People suck. see what can happen when in Canda? thirteenthed man gets a commission. i see the sun for once. oh, wait.... x967xGAx That 'bout sums it up.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2009 05:06AM by z400100500.
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 27, 2009 06:52PM
People suck. see what can happen when in Canda? thirteenthed man gets a commission. i see the sun for once. oh, wait.... x967xGAx That 'bout sums it up.

on behalf of everyone, uh...what?
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 27, 2009 06:53PM
People suck. see what can happen when in Canda? thirteenthed man gets a commission. i see the sun for once. oh, wait.... x967xGAx That 'bout sums it up.

on behalf of everyone, uh...what?
Seconded. LOL (Don't worry, this won't be like last time. :P)
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 27, 2009 07:09PM
on behalf of everyone, uh...what?

I swear to god, that I wanted to post exactly the same thing, down to the last letter.

p.s.: I do not believe in a god, I am agnostic :D
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 27, 2009 07:43PM
"Just proving that Random words can, and will make everybody go insane"

God i love the internet (and Wii brew)

"Lets keep doing this until aujakev z400100500 explains himself!! :P"

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2009 07:46PM by aujakev.
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 27, 2009 09:24PM
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 27, 2009 11:47PM
I'm a vampire so only the sun I see north of Maine won't melt me. =p Well, maybe not. I thought aujakev was the one to THIRTEENTHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the other topic. I know Waxy was 11thed..... And if you get a commission man i will hunt you down! @=D Haha it's ELVIS!!!

Ah yes, and people *cough* older siblings *cough* fuck with your computer so i get this error when I try to install (some) programs. Google Earth, Project 64, Maple Story, Halo:CE:CE (Halo CE works.) NOOOOOO!!!!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2009 11:57PM by z400100500.
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 27, 2009 11:55PM
Wow, you seriously don't make any sense when you talk. *sigh* I wish people could get banned for senseless chatter. :P
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 27, 2009 11:58PM
wow THAT'S nice. I got banned from neoseeker for that! I talked about how to hack Pokemon in a topic about Wanky's wonderful usb loader. Served them right!

And of course I don't make sense! My username is related to Star Wars, I write weird shit and my best friend has Tourettes!!! Oh, wait....maybe i do too!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/28/2009 12:02AM by z400100500.
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 28, 2009 12:00AM
lol, have you been banned from anywhere else? I wouldn't be surprised.....
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 28, 2009 12:11AM
yes. Uh let me see.... Rune scape (I was laughing at people and telling them they sucked), Sherwood dungeon (same), Maple Story (same), SA:MP (a mistake), neoseeker (just guess), uh can't think what else. Oh yeah! I have a mute/kick counter on Tribes and i've been muted almost 300 times, and kicked 27 times. On the profile Buddha. All the servers together of course. God, I'm an ass. Oh yeah, my IP is banned from changing Wikipedia because I posted part of Uncyclopedia articles into their Wikipedia counterparts. =p Not joking. I've been changing my IP when needed. Well, i THINK that's it.

*EDIT*: Oh yeah, Star Wars Battlefront doesn't like me either. I think I told the admin to go, well, told him his ass was dragging when i was kicking his ass. Seems admins in general don't like me.

*EDIT*: Alien Arena and D-Day Normandy accused me of cheating. They were right. *looks at the infraction log* Hmmm....when the hell did I do that? buddy was laughing at me and saying i sucked at those games. (HORRIBLE CONTROLS!!!!) Showed him. WHEN WAS IT SMART TO JUMP WITH X???????

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/28/2009 12:15AM by z400100500.
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 28, 2009 12:13AM
I'm sorry, but thats just sad. I'm surprised you've lasted this long here. If only I were a mod....You wouldn't be here. LOL, jk. :P
Re: The Homebrew Channel T-Shirt?
July 28, 2009 12:21AM
eh I'm not exactly law abiding. It's hilarious the situation I'm in. I'm a huge nerd, a weakling, and I challenged a kid half my height to a fight. (research my oldest posts in this section to find out more) A real Soc you could say. He doesn't show up, and he says that he couldn't get a ride. BULLSHIT! Then he's all buddy-buddy with me so I don't hurt his rep. Well, I found out his various IM names and youtube accounts, myspaces, yadadadada. That was the end of that. Now he's spammed like hell. And he thinks it's Apple that's doing it. The IM name MacaestheticZ seems to trick him. Why am I talking about this?
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