Re: Black Japanese Wii (and homebrew posibilities)
July 28, 2009 02:45AM
This isn't entirely relevant but i thought it was kinda funny.
I was looking for a "softmod guide" that I can use as a base to convert the Wii I'm going to get into english and I found this,
Wii softmodding for dummies
Turn off WiiConnect24 and never update your Wii anymore. The main purposes of Wii Updates are to
prevent hacking so I believe you’re not interested.
haha ..because apparently all Wii updates do is disable homebrew XD

Wii softmodding for dummies
Before softmodding your Wii it would be a good idea to turn off your WiiConnect24. It will prevent
Nintendo from sending you updates and blocking your softmod.
Yeah, Nintendo sends you updates... right..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/28/2009 02:49AM by bg4545.
Re: Black Japanese Wii (and homebrew posibilities)
July 28, 2009 02:55AM
If they send us updates then I'm not crazy. But why bother leaving 24 on and taking that risk? I unplug my Wii after I turn it off. Then again, I do that for everything. Including the toaster. =p I'm paranoid....or am i? And who ACTUALLY updates their wii anyway? Mine is still 3.4, my buddy's is still launch firmware, and another is at 3.3. You must be a REAL dummy to update. But many are lured by "launch VC games via SD" and "SD menus". NO THANKS. I'd rather keep bootmii and be able to Twilight Hack mine.

By the way, an XJ7 is an X-wing. Thought you'd want to know. =p
Re: Black Japanese Wii (and homebrew posibilities)
July 28, 2009 03:00AM
I've got a fully updated Wii with BootMii and trucha-IOSs so it's got the improvements by Nintendo and the hacks by WiiBrewers
Re: Black Japanese Wii (and homebrew posibilities)
July 28, 2009 03:21AM
oh, that makes sense. I don't mess with much in the wii so IOS'es are foreign countries to me. And so I sit for hours contentedly sitting in front of a junky TV playing Cosmo Raketti. I swear that's the coolest thing EVER. 2nd place is definitely hacking a copy of Pokemon Sapphire and playing it on the Wii. Nothing like running around the fictional region of "Hellgate" with your "pocket monsters". Hehehehe ok i play hellgate london too much.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/28/2009 03:25AM by z400100500.
Re: Black Japanese Wii (and homebrew posibilities)
July 28, 2009 03:34AM
Cosmo Raketti is one of the better HBC games. I enjoyed it.

But I enjoy halo 3 more. :)
Re: Black Japanese Wii (and homebrew posibilities)
July 28, 2009 04:02AM
shut up with Halo already! It sucks! really! And numerous games that are freeware are better! Alien Arena sucks and that's better! Tribes is the original pioneering fps. Without Tribes, would we have engineers? probably not, or a similar role. There's not many jet packs in newer games most likely because it makes it too difficult! Screw that! And the Graphics!!!!! Stop obessing about it! Get hi-res textures if it's so important! It's annoying to listen to people gripe that a game isn't good "because it isn't pretty"......oh no. I didn't say that. Did I?
Re: Black Japanese Wii (and homebrew posibilities)
July 28, 2009 04:41AM
shut up with Halo already! It sucks! really! And numerous games that are freeware are better! Alien Arena sucks and that's better! Tribes is the original pioneering fps. Without Tribes, would we have engineers? probably not, or a similar role. There's not many jet packs in newer games most likely because it makes it too difficult! Screw that! And the Graphics!!!!! Stop obessing about it! Get hi-res textures if it's so important! It's annoying to listen to people gripe that a game isn't good "because it isn't pretty"......oh no. I didn't say that. Did I?
Would you mind staying on-topic for once?
And in my opinion, Halo is a good game.
Re: Black Japanese Wii (and homebrew posibilities)
July 28, 2009 04:52AM
Would you mind staying on-topic for once?
And in my opinion, Halo is a good game.
Re: Black Japanese Wii (and homebrew posibilities)
July 28, 2009 07:49AM
Would you mind staying on-topic for once?
And in my opinion, Halo is a good game.
Re: Black Japanese Wii (and homebrew posibilities)
July 28, 2009 04:17PM
I'm not allowed to do that. I am programmed for annoyinginging-ness. LOL no I just can't concentrate. *bangs head on keyboard* Uh what the hell is boot32.dll?
Re: Black Japanese Wii (and homebrew posibilities)
July 30, 2009 03:50AM
Well I can't get the Wii at release like I'd hoped, but in a few months I should be able to...
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