How to Create Cheat Files for NES Wii Emulator Games Using fceux-2.0.3.win32NOTE: You must download the
fceux-2.0.3.win32 software to create Cheat Files.
1) Look up NES Game Genie Cheat Codes: []
Could just search Google too for the games your looking for. It's best to copy the codes to a text file so you also have a description of
what that code is for - you'll need it later!
2) Start the NES PC Emulator software $\fceux-2.0.3.win32\fceux.exe
3) File - Open Menu and select the location of the NES ROM game your looking to create a cheat file for.
AKA: $:\fceux-2.0.3.win32\roms
4) The NES games are actually called *.nes files. You will have to drill down into the .ZIP file
and folder to select the .nes game file to open the game.
5) Once the game start screen starts to play in the emulator, you can begin to input the cheat codes by:
a) Select the Debug menu -> Game Genie Decoder / Encoder menu
b) Select the text and copy the code you wish to enter. [ Select + Ctrl+C ]
c) Paste the code into the box: Game Genie Code
d) Hit the button 'Add to Cheat List'.
e) Repeat steps b - d for all the codes you want to create a cheat file for.
f) Once all the codes have been entered for that particular game,
click the Red X in top right of the Encoder / Decoder screen to close the window.
6) Verify the codes were input correctly:
a) Back in the main emulator screen (where the game is playing), select the
Tools -> Cheats Menu.
b) All active cheat codes should be listed on the left. Double check they are input correctly.
c) If you find there is a problem with a code, you can select each code and click 'Delete' to remove it.
Go back to Step 5 to re-enter via Encoder / Decoder screen.
Once verified, close the Cheats window by click the Red X.
7) To generate the *.cht file, select the File -> Close menu to shut down the emulator.
This will create the actual cheat file (*.cht) for you.
8) Cheat files will automatically be saved to the folder $:\fceux-2.0.3.win32\cheats
NOTE OF IMPORTANCE: The name of the cheat file may not be the right name to actually work!
Go to the $:\fceux-2.0.3.win32\roms folder and find the .ZIP file of the game that the Cheat file was created for.
You must copy the name of the game's ZIP file and use that name to re-name the Cheat file exactly as that .ZIP.
9) Once you verify that the Cheat file name and the game's ZIP file are the same, you will need to copy the cheat
file over to the Wii's SDDrive. The cheat file should be placed here: SDDrive$:\fceugx\cheats
OK hard part over, now here's how to enable the cheats!!
1) Start the Wii's HomeBrew Channel and select the NES Emulator.
2) Select the game you wish to play that a cheat file was created for above.
3) When the game starts, IGNORE the Game Genie screen that comes up (if you have the gg.rom installed) - you could put codes directly in, but your stuck with those cheats and only 3 allowed at a time. That's why we use the Cheat Files!!
We can now turn game cheats on and off, and select however many we want!!!
Use the + sign (Start Menu on an NES controller) to bypass the Game Genie screen.
4) Before starting the actual game, on the Wii remote, hit the HOME button to bring up the NES Emulator menu.
5) Select the Settings button and then select Cheats button.
6) A list of all the cheat codes are now listed with automatic 'off' status. Using the list of cheats created
for the game (here is where the code descriptions come in handy) choose the code you want to enable! Note you can disable too.
Now I'm not sure about all games, but in many cases you can enable/disable codes while your in the middle of playing!
Just follow the steps above.
7) Close the Emulator's Menu window and begin playing!!
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!!!
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/13/2010 12:25AM by dkdy23.