Wiimote in Windows 7
November 12, 2009 03:46PM
Dear all, I am having a helluva time attempting to connect my newly acquired Wiimote to my Windows 7 x64 computer via Bluetooth. All I need, really, is to use my Wiimote for a Bluetooth air mouse. I am running the latest Widcomm drivers ( for my Broadcom-based Bluetooth dongle. I have come across countless broken links to tutorials on how to do this, many of these links pointing to a non-existent WiiBrew Wiki page (Wiimote Widcomm tutorial).

Can anyone help please!

Many thanks.
Re: Wiimote in Windows 7
November 12, 2009 10:29PM
Use GlovePIE.
Re: Wiimote in Windows 7
November 16, 2009 02:39AM
I'm having a problem too. Apparently the Asus BT21 bluetooth dongle is supposed to work (its on the list of compatible bluetooth devices). I installed the appropriate bluetooth drivers as described, and it recognises the Wiimote. The problem comes when pairing, I select "pair without code" or whatever and it all runs fine, but the wiimote lights wont stop flashing. Some glovepie test setups will make the wiimote lights flash or the conttroller to rumble .ect, but no 'output' from the controller is evident on any setup. Anyone know where I've gone wrong?
Re: Wiimote in Windows 7
November 24, 2009 08:30PM
Use GlovePIE.

Thanks, I tried them all (GlovePIE, WiinRemote, WiimoteConnect, Dolphin, SmoothBoard etc.), nothing works. Best I could get was to get the remote to rumble, though definitely no cursor movement, nothing.
Re: Wiimote in Windows 7
November 24, 2009 08:57PM
Get a really good driver. I have some off brand USB dongle that I got for 2 bucks on amazon has lasted me 1 year and a half (still works) and best of all it comes with blue soleil probably the best way to connect you wii mote. I have not had any trouble what so ever with this [www.amazon.com]
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