It has, a Japanese coder by the name of Yasu I think actually got DS homebrew running from the SD slot but he didn't release anything because he's afraid or piracy, or something like that from what I can gather. I think someone else will get there eventually and release the exploit, as tona said there are a lot of interested parties. Obviously all the DS flashcart makers have an interest in getting their stuff working on the DSi too; AceKard or something already have a new cart for the DSi. This isn't as cool as having a homebrew channel like on the Wii but it's a stepping stone at the least.
Also, I was just looking at the 25c3 page that marcan linked to on hackmii and they mentioned that they're doing to have some DSi's there so something might come out of that too. Wow, seeing the 25c3 page makes me realize that the whole Wii homebrew thing is only a year old. It's amazing to see how far it's progressed, from just a hacked save file that crashes your Wii and lets you play Tetris to a whole homebrew channel and Linux and BootMii.