1024-bit RSA Encryption cracked
April 02, 2010 03:57PM
I have just read this article [www.engadget.com] about how some people managed to crack 1024-bit RSA protection in just 104 hours. Isn't 1024-bit RSA encryption what the Wii uses? If so, is it possible someone could apply the same method to cracking the Wii's encyrption?
Re: 1024-bit RSA Encryption cracked
April 03, 2010 05:11AM
This topic, it interests me. may be wrong though, but the Wii may use 2056-bit RSA
Re: 1024-bit RSA Encryption cracked
April 03, 2010 10:23AM
I don't think it matters what RSA it is, the method would still be the same, I think. But I pretty sure that the wii uses 1024-Bit RSA
Re: 1024-bit RSA Encryption cracked
April 03, 2010 10:33AM
This wont be much help, they are telling RSA about it.
Re: 1024-bit RSA Encryption cracked
April 03, 2010 11:09AM
While being interesting this attack won't do us any good. They attack a computer that does the encryption, the wii only does the decryption. Encryption happens at the secret Nintendo HQ.
Re: 1024-bit RSA Encryption cracked
April 03, 2010 03:48PM
Ah, guess I didn't read/understand the article properly. Ah well.

And pokeglobe: surely it wouldn't matter for the Wii, as it's already been done, and the encryption can't be changed now without massive changes to System Menu afaik? It would only be for new devices etc. that it would be invalid, would it not?
Re: 1024-bit RSA Encryption cracked
April 04, 2010 12:43AM
I know. I thought of that after I posted.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2010 12:44AM by pokeglobe.
Re: 1024-bit RSA Encryption cracked
April 04, 2010 04:53AM
The System Menu does encryption through IOS. If you patched IOS to require valid CRC-16 signatures, or removed signing altogether, the System Menu wouldn't complain at all.
Re: 1024-bit RSA Encryption cracked
April 04, 2010 06:41PM
Encryption happens at the secret Nintendo HQ.
More specifically it happens using an HSM : [en.wikipedia.org]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2010 06:43PM by Arikado.
Re: 1024-bit RSA Encryption cracked
April 05, 2010 01:16AM
So, couldn't in theory, we hijack the decryption process of the wii to do the same thing? Not too useful at this point in the game but may be good for a wii 2.0 or something.
Re: 1024-bit RSA Encryption cracked
April 05, 2010 08:28PM
pinball Wizard
So, couldn't in theory, we hijack the decryption process of the wii to do the same thing? Not too useful at this point in the game but may be good for a wii 2.0 or something.

We know the decryption process already, in that we have the common key. That can be used to decrypt any Wii content encrypted with the public key.
Re: 1024-bit RSA Encryption cracked
April 05, 2010 09:02PM
I meant we can keep it in mind for when Nintendo finally decides to change something sooner or later.
Re: 1024-bit RSA Encryption cracked
April 06, 2010 12:26AM
pinball Wizard
I meant we can keep it in mind for when Nintendo finally decides to change something sooner or later.

Well they can't change it for the Wii now, and by the time the Wii2 comes out (or whatever they call the next console - how about Perfect Nintendo Entertainment System lol), RSA will probably have addressed the issue. That is, if this would even be applicable to the decryption process as it is to the encryption process.
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