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Bug/nuisance in wiibrew.org 's search engine

Posted by Magil 
Bug/nuisance in wiibrew.org 's search engine
September 07, 2010 01:31AM
Just a quick post:

It seems that if you want to find a specific app while using the site's search bar, you need to type the name of the app EXACTLY as it's written, that is, including proper capitols and such.
To better explain myself, I present to you two links:

Here, I am searching for a useful file manager for the wii, "wiixplorer": [wiibrew.org]

Now, here I am searching for the same app, but this time spelled "WiiXplorer": [wiibrew.org]

Evidently, while both do not redirect you automatically to the proper page, the latter one at least makes a quick suggestion indicating that there is a page with that name and links you(though I'm sometimes randomly properly redirected... go figure). The same has happened to me before while searching for other apps, like Dop-Mii spelled "Dop Mii"(which suggests me something quite... awkward): [wiibrew.org] , among random others I cannot think about at the time.

I do not know if this has been mentioned before. I hope this report helps improve this awesome site. Cheers.
Re: Bug/nuisance in wiibrew.org 's search engine
September 07, 2010 05:22PM
Yeah, it sucks like Nintendo's updates :/ I believe I recall Tantric putting a lot of time into trying to make the search engine work better but I guess it's still pretty bad.
Re: Bug/nuisance in wiibrew.org 's search engine
September 09, 2010 09:10PM
It's not that bad. It does serve a good purpose, and it works for most of the time. It's just a bit misleading at times when you want to download an app fast, and the search engine gives out no results. But other than that, it's quite functional.

It's only a matter of fixing these little details, that's all.
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