Can't edit any Wiki page
January 25, 2009 01:25AM
I don't know if here is exactly the right place to post this... Anyway, I'm having trouble to submit any edit to the Wiki. When I click "save changes", the screen goes blank, and the address bar shows like this:

http:/ / Talk:Anything&action=submit

I don't edit the wiki often, but most times when I try, it doesn't work. I'm using Firefox 3 in Vista. Does anybody have a tip?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/25/2009 01:27AM by DanielHueho.
Re: Can't edit any Wiki page
January 25, 2009 02:22AM
You have an account on the wiibrew wiki, right? If yes, then perhaps try a different browser.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/25/2009 02:22AM by Arikado.
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