Hello to all, I'm in the UK and I'm looking for any info that can help me.
I turned on my wii today as normal after using it the night before and the screen was flickering. I already suspected it was a flicker rate problem, still I checked my cables and all was well. I checked the settings on my tv set and they are set for 50hz PAL. So I concluded it must be a setting on the wii. I struggled to navigate my way through the system menu to the 'TV Type' option and managed to change it back to 50hz. Now there has been no reason for this to happen as was working the night before.
I have a collection of mixed region games. Now, the PAL ones work and the screen stays normal but flickers when I load an NTSC version. I've tried all of the video types (e.g. 'Force PAL50') in the loader options and I just get a black screen freeze up.
I resorted to loading bootmii but when I booted the bootmii menu screen flickers. I can see it well enough to navigate to the NAND Restore Option, which I saved when I installed bootmii, priiloader and HBC. But wanted to see if there are any other options before I commit to a potentially console bricking process.
I'm running Sytem Menu 4.3E.
I hope someone can help shed some light on this. Thanks for your time.