@WaxyPumpkin72: That is not a hardware issue, well what caused it. It will probably be a hardware fix though. All of that is controlled through boot1 I believe. The wii must talk to Starlet and use the IOS for power modes and all. As an example, if you just push the power button to turn it off it puts it in a half-powerish mode where it shuts off most processes and IIRC it underclocks the processors but still uses WC24. But if you push and hold the power button you put it in standby mode but internally some pieces of hardware are never shut off because the power button is "soft switch" since it is not directly turning the AC power on and off. So it is completely possible that during the write process the installer hit corrupted data (presumably from a bad download) or a bad spot in the RAM that it was reading from, etc, etc.
@wii1989: Did you only try and install HBC or did you also try Bootmii? If it was only HBC then you are probably looking at hardware, if you also tried Bootmii then it sounds like that install failed. Do you own a Volt meter or Multimeter? If you own a volt meter check your power brick to see if 12VDC is actually coming out. If you have a Multimeter check the power brick and also check the resistance of the power port on the back of the wii. If when checking the resistance you get 1 on your multimeter then it is absolutely hardware. If it is less then 1 it is still possible hardware issue but not a guarantee.