Trouble unbricking, AnyRegion Changer giving error
October 17, 2009 11:54AM
I have a fully bricked WII which had been sitting in my cupboard for over a year and a half. It was bricked by installing a NTSC game over a PAL WII. The brick is the ScreenSave.htm opera error.

I checked the other week to see the status of getting a fix and was wrapped when I saw that savemii existed. I ordered one straight away.

So plug it in, with a wiikey (I believe) and follow the flowchart on the website, and get to "Branch C: Full Brick" and have a "Version 2.0x does not display version blah blah".

So I get an AnyRegion Changer v1.1 iso and pop it in. Was wrapped to see something other than that opera error until I see it fails also.
It gives me a "Error getting settings 1, 2, 2, 1, -24578

I have read around and a few random posts have said its could be to do with the EULA. Problem is I don't have the HBC installed and I cant boot to set the EULA. Its a stock standard WII with a wiikey installed.

Been reading for hours trying to find any information but there is very little out there on this problem.

Anyone have any suggestions on getting this WII back working, or what I can try next?
Re: Trouble unbricking, AnyRegion Changer giving error
October 23, 2009 11:14AM
I still cant seem to get past this. I am thinking that its not a wiikey but maybe an early wiifree version.

Anybody got any ideas that I could try?
Re: Trouble unbricking, AnyRegion Changer giving error
October 23, 2009 07:27PM
Use NUS Downloader to download a system menu for your region and its IOS (for system menu 3.2 PAL you need system menu version 290 and IOS 30 version 1040) and have it pack them into WADs. Place the WADs in a folder called wad on the root of your SD card and put it in your wii. Then make an auto-boot WadImport disc, run it with savemii, and install the WADs. Be sure to install the IOS before the system menu.
Re: Trouble unbricking, AnyRegion Changer giving error
October 24, 2009 07:52AM
jbc007 your the best, worked like a charm.

What did throw me out for ages was the auto-boot WadImport. I ended up getting a WadManager boot disc (which didnt work keeped giving a -1 error on the wads) and replaced the main.dol with the wadimport one.

Thanks again.
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