Total Reset?
April 22, 2010 02:19AM
I've had my Wii now for almost 2 years and did the twighlight hack way back when. i don't like having it like that anymore. is there a way to safely basically reset my Wii so i can update to the newest update and not have to worry about the loaders and HBC and all that junk?

I had to downgrade when i did all that junk (really for no reason) and so now i am on 3.2u. i don't remember what all hacks i used so please feel free to tell me what is needed more to answer this and where to find those answers please.
Re: Total Reset?
April 22, 2010 03:32AM
I'm going to work on something first, I'll get back to you on the feasibility of removing the playlog.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/22/2010 03:32AM by WikiFSX.
Re: Total Reset?
April 22, 2010 04:20AM
You do not need to remove anything before updating. However, since you downgraded, be sure to perform an online update, as updating from a game will likely fully brick your wii. This is easy to prevent, but that is unnecessary.

If you want to remove all homebrew, you can delete most things with AnyTitle Deleter. However, depending on what all you installed, you may need to do something else to remove some things. I need to know what you would like to remove before I can tell you how to do it.

As far as I know, the only way to delete the play log is to format the system. However, this is unnecessary unless you send your wii to Nintendo for repair. You should be able to delete everything else easily.
Re: Total Reset?
April 22, 2010 04:40AM
as far as the playlog.. is that literally just everything I've played? if so im not worried about that.

i know i have the gamma loader on there and i think i did a miihack mod. i really don't know why i did, i have no reason, i guess just cause i could.

as for the online update, i just want to be clear so i don't brick, you say i can just enable my wifi and run the update option from the settings on the Wii itself and all will be well?
Re: Total Reset?
April 22, 2010 05:00AM
as for the online update, i just want to be clear so i don't brick, you say i can just enable my wifi and run the update option from the settings on the Wii itself and all will be well?
Re: Total Reset?
April 22, 2010 05:09AM
Yep, no reason to turn WC24 off or any of that
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