Give $500 to someone can help me.
January 10, 2011 06:23AM
I want to autoboot SSBB like in this vdo

[[i]Video removed.[/i]]

I try to figure out an iso that he use in this vdo and not success

Anyone can do this please PM me. and I will transfer $500 to your paypal account after i success to do.

Best Regards,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/10/2011 06:52AM by bg4545.
Re: Give $500 to someone can help me.
January 10, 2011 06:56AM
You'd have to ask giantpune how to do that. He used an ISO that he modified. Either way those things aren't supported here.
Re: Give $500 to someone can help me.
January 10, 2011 07:49AM
Thank for you recommend, I ever ask him and he not want to public it T^T
Re: Give $500 to someone can help me.
January 10, 2011 07:53AM
I'll look into it but I'm not exactly sure how it does what it does.
Re: Give $500 to someone can help me.
January 10, 2011 03:11PM
It exploits the recovery menu used a hacked (but not fakesigned) disc, which is read by the Wii drive because of a modchip. Giantpune wants a Wii to test it on, if you're willing to give someone $500, why not just send him your Wii? Even if he were to steal it (which he would NOT, I reckon that guy is trustworthy), you'd still be able to buy a new Wii and still have saved money.
Re: Give $500 to someone can help me.
January 11, 2011 06:49AM
there are someone in my country can do this and fix 003 error, But he charge too high fee ($70-$100).
So I want to someone public the trick to everyone for do it yourself or not to pay high fee, I can help other with little fee (10$)

I ever offer this to giantpune and he blame me that i will use it to fake other ppl. :(

PS. If mod think this topic is junk or scram, you can delete it and i'm sorry to post this

I will try to find it out by myself if no one can figure it out. :)

Best Regards,
Re: Give $500 to someone can help me.
January 11, 2011 03:27PM
see i'm guessing he means $5.00... not $500

(seeing as how $70-$100 is too high a fee and he'll now pay $10)
Re: Give $500 to someone can help me.
January 11, 2011 08:13PM
Ah, not so tempting then.
Re: Give $500 to someone can help me.
January 31, 2011 12:29AM
see i'm guessing he means $5.00... not $500

(seeing as how $70-$100 is too high a fee and he'll now pay $10)

it's not typo, I really mean 500$us ( five hundred US Dollar) to anyone can show me how ^ ^

**note for anyone interesting to figure out this.**

if anyone can't trust me I can transfer to "Moderator" *(if they allow me to do that) before you send me the trrick.and when i test that your method truly work you can got that money ^^ and you can post that method to public for help other people too.

PS. for mod if you think this post is useless or annoy you can delete it :)
Re: Give $500 to someone can help me.
February 21, 2011 04:47PM
close topic, no need to know about this solution ^^

Re: Give $500 to someone can help me.
February 21, 2011 10:38PM
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