I've successfully installed the necessary software and can run HBC on my Wii. For awhile, after I modded, I was able to access the Internet from my Wii, but recently, I cannot connect to my network anymore. The "network connection test" fails every time. My Wii worked when it was on my wireless network running WEP, and I upgraded to WPA for better security, but I can't connect anymore!
I've tried everything you can think of in regards to ensuring my network is working properly. I tried 802.11 a, b, and g, WEP, WPA, WPA2, open auth., wired (nintendo usb network adapter and off-brand model), dynamic and static IP/DNS address assignment, different router models, router reboots, MAC address "whitelist" and static DHCP IP address assignment, etc. etc. I know my network is functioning b/c I have desktops, laptops, an iPod, iPad, VOIP adapter and PS3 connected to my network. They can all access the Internet without issue. I even used a neighbor's WEP key to try and connect to THEIR router.
No matter what I do, I keep getting all the nintendo error codes, 52222, 52221, 52230, etc. depending on how I have the Wii and network router configured at that time. One person suggested that I may have an issue with priiloader, but I'm running BootMii, and I don't know if I can even have priiloader running at the same time. I admit that I tried a lot of different configurations and applications when trying to get HBC running. Eventually, I found the HackMii installer guide, followed the instructions, and everything worked. Perhaps I loaded some piece of software that is butting heads somewhere? Does anyone out there have any ideas what the issue could be?