If you get stuff from the wiibrew wiki at [
www.wiibrew.org] you'll be fine. I can't post specific links right now, still on my tablet. If you need them I'll post them later.
EDIT: OK, links:
Bannerbomb: [
HackMii Installer: [
SysCheck: [
wiibrew.org] (or GX version here: [
wiibrew.org] - I don't think there should be any difference in the function of these) [I'm not really sure SysCheck is actually needed. If you just post the file "HackMii.log" from the root of your SD card after running HackMii Installer, we should be able to work enough out from that without using SysCheck. I just include these links for completeness]
You will need other stuff later, but until we know exactly what state your Wii is in, I think that shoudl suffice. If you need help being able to use Bannerbomb to run the HackMii Installer and install HBC, you may find this guide helpful: [
wiisixtyfour.webs.com] - follow the link for "bannerbomb" in the section when you choose your exploit.
EDIT: And to add some more usefulness to my earlier posts:
A semi-brick occurs when you install a System Menu from a different region, but don't change the region settings on the Wii first. So the Wii still expects, for example, a US System Menu, but the one installed is Japanese, and certain files are then in a different location, which is what leads to the problems. (e.g. being unable to access Settings). There's a page on WiiBrew for bricks (http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Bricks), but there isn't much more info on semi-bricks there.
Basically, as mauifrog said, the way to fix is either: (i) install the System Menu that matches the region settings, or (ii) change the region settings to match the System Menu
As you want a Japanese Wii in the end, the later would most likely be what is in order (it sounds like you have a Wii with Japanese SM, but with US/EU settings - so you'd want to change the settings to Japanese; this can be done with homebrew, but I'll wait till we're sure that is what is necessary before advising further on that)
And the burnt discs: Either, as you suggested, there is a modchip installed OR the previous owner installed either "DarkCorp" or "cIOScorp", both of which are messy modifications which replace every IOS in the Wii (IOS are system files that control the hardware of the Wii, they also implement the security - they can be patched to allow burnt discs. Usually, only one or two IOS are patched in this way, leaving the rest intact, but meaning you must use a special loader to load burnt discs. The corp modifications patch every IOS in the Wii, which is a really bad idea because it causes a bunch of problems etc.).
If it's a modchip, you could probably just leave it and not have any problems. If it's one of the corps, you should be able to remove it with a little help from us. But again, we need to be sure either way before instructing you. The HackMii log will give a definite indication either way.
Sorry for the huge post, there was a lot to get in there.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/03/2012 05:10PM by SifJar.