Hi guys, it's been a long since i picked up my wii and play, but today i just did, and i remember i bricked it lol.
It's been like 2 years since i last use it, the only thing i remember is i installed as bootme 2, there was 2 ways of installing it and i did it the bootme2 way, as far as i remember you could unbrick it, thats why i was lazy and never did it lol, but now i want to play again, but i don't know how to make it work again, can anyone send me a link for a tutorial on how to restore it? or tell me directly, i got the SD ready.
BTW guys i did a nand backup but i lost it, can this brick still be fixed?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2014 04:52AM by Kbra.