Wii 3.4u (no mod chip)
Following the procedure, when entering the automatic installation picture( talked with the Man), the folowing message appears:
Flushing IPC transactions…..Done.
Closing file descriptors….Done.
Releasing STM callback…Old callback released!
Getting SD card status: 00000001
Sd_reset_card(): got reply = 00070000
Card status: 00000700 [STANDBY]
Selecting card:
Card status: 00000900 [TRANSFER]
SD card detected
USBGecko serial interface not detected
Loading FAT:
OEM Name: , 0 bytes/sector, 0 sectors/cluster, 0 reserved sectors, 0 FATs, FAT32.
FAT size= 0
FAT starts at sector 0x6964
/ starts at sector 0x 6964
Reading boot.dol:
Boot.dol not found (-1) , reading boot.elf:
Failed to read boot.elf (-1)!
No code found to load, hanging.
Anybody can tell me what files are missing ? or what steps is wrong?